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use std::sync::Arc;
use rayon::ThreadPool;
use cuprate_database::{ConcreteEnv, InitError};
use crate::{
read::{init_read_service, init_read_service_with_pool},
types::{TxpoolReadHandle, TxpoolWriteHandle},
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Init
#[inline(never)] // Only called once (?)
/// Initialize a database & thread-pool, and return a read/write handle to it.
/// Once the returned handles are [`Drop::drop`]ed, the reader
/// thread-pool and writer thread will exit automatically.
/// # Errors
/// This will forward the error if [`crate::open`] failed.
pub fn init(
config: Config,
) -> Result<(TxpoolReadHandle, TxpoolWriteHandle, Arc<ConcreteEnv>), InitError> {
let reader_threads = config.reader_threads;
// Initialize the database itself.
let db = Arc::new(crate::open(config)?);
// Spawn the Reader thread pool and Writer.
let readers = init_read_service(Arc::clone(&db), reader_threads);
let writer = init_write_service(Arc::clone(&db));
Ok((readers, writer, db))
#[inline(never)] // Only called once (?)
/// Initialize a database, and return a read/write handle to it.
/// Unlike [`init`] this will not create a thread-pool, instead using
/// the one passed in.
/// Once the returned handles are [`Drop::drop`]ed, the reader
/// thread-pool and writer thread will exit automatically.
/// # Errors
/// This will forward the error if [`crate::open`] failed.
pub fn init_with_pool(
config: Config,
pool: Arc<ThreadPool>,
) -> Result<(TxpoolReadHandle, TxpoolWriteHandle, Arc<ConcreteEnv>), InitError> {
// Initialize the database itself.
let db = Arc::new(crate::open(config)?);
// Spawn the Reader thread pool and Writer.
let readers = init_read_service_with_pool(Arc::clone(&db), pool);
let writer = init_write_service(Arc::clone(&db));
Ok((readers, writer, db))