
1use std::iter;
3use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
4use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
5use syn::visit_mut::VisitMut;
6use syn::{
7    punctuated::Punctuated, spanned::Spanned, Block, Expr, ExprAsync, ExprCall, FieldPat, FnArg,
8    Ident, Item, ItemFn, Pat, PatIdent, PatReference, PatStruct, PatTuple, PatTupleStruct, PatType,
9    Path, ReturnType, Signature, Stmt, Token, Type, TypePath,
12use crate::{
13    attr::{Field, Fields, FormatMode, InstrumentArgs, Level},
14    MaybeItemFn, MaybeItemFnRef,
17/// Given an existing function, generate an instrumented version of that function
18pub(crate) fn gen_function<'a, B: ToTokens + 'a>(
19    input: MaybeItemFnRef<'a, B>,
20    args: InstrumentArgs,
21    instrumented_function_name: &str,
22    self_type: Option<&TypePath>,
23) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
24    // these are needed ahead of time, as ItemFn contains the function body _and_
25    // isn't representable inside a quote!/quote_spanned! macro
26    // (Syn's ToTokens isn't implemented for ItemFn)
27    let MaybeItemFnRef {
28        outer_attrs,
29        inner_attrs,
30        vis,
31        sig,
32        block,
33    } = input;
35    let Signature {
36        output,
37        inputs: params,
38        unsafety,
39        asyncness,
40        constness,
41        abi,
42        ident,
43        generics:
44            syn::Generics {
45                params: gen_params,
46                where_clause,
47                ..
48            },
49        ..
50    } = sig;
52    let warnings = args.warnings();
54    let (return_type, return_span) = if let ReturnType::Type(_, return_type) = &output {
55        (erase_impl_trait(return_type), return_type.span())
56    } else {
57        // Point at function name if we don't have an explicit return type
58        (syn::parse_quote! { () }, ident.span())
59    };
60    // Install a fake return statement as the first thing in the function
61    // body, so that we eagerly infer that the return type is what we
62    // declared in the async fn signature.
63    // The `#[allow(..)]` is given because the return statement is
64    // unreachable, but does affect inference, so it needs to be written
65    // exactly that way for it to do its magic.
66    let fake_return_edge = quote_spanned! {return_span=>
67        #[allow(
68            unknown_lints, unreachable_code, clippy::diverging_sub_expression,
69            clippy::let_unit_value, clippy::unreachable, clippy::let_with_type_underscore,
70            clippy::empty_loop
71        )]
72        if false {
73            let __tracing_attr_fake_return: #return_type = loop {};
74            return __tracing_attr_fake_return;
75        }
76    };
77    let block = quote! {
78        {
79            #fake_return_edge
80            #block
81        }
82    };
84    let body = gen_block(
85        &block,
86        params,
87        asyncness.is_some(),
88        args,
89        instrumented_function_name,
90        self_type,
91    );
93    quote!(
94        #(#outer_attrs) *
95        #vis #constness #asyncness #unsafety #abi fn #ident<#gen_params>(#params) #output
96        #where_clause
97        {
98            #(#inner_attrs) *
99            #warnings
100            #body
101        }
102    )
105/// Instrument a block
106fn gen_block<B: ToTokens>(
107    block: &B,
108    params: &Punctuated<FnArg, Token![,]>,
109    async_context: bool,
110    mut args: InstrumentArgs,
111    instrumented_function_name: &str,
112    self_type: Option<&TypePath>,
113) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
114    // generate the span's name
115    let span_name = args
116        // did the user override the span's name?
117        .name
118        .as_ref()
119        .map(|name| quote!(#name))
120        .unwrap_or_else(|| quote!(#instrumented_function_name));
122    let args_level = args.level();
123    let level = args_level.clone();
125    let follows_from = args.follows_from.iter();
126    let follows_from = quote! {
127        #(for cause in #follows_from {
128            __tracing_attr_span.follows_from(cause);
129        })*
130    };
132    // generate this inside a closure, so we can return early on errors.
133    let span = (|| {
134        // Pull out the arguments-to-be-skipped first, so we can filter results
135        // below.
136        let param_names: Vec<(Ident, (Ident, RecordType))> = params
137            .clone()
138            .into_iter()
139            .flat_map(|param| match param {
140                FnArg::Typed(PatType { pat, ty, .. }) => {
141                    param_names(*pat, RecordType::parse_from_ty(&ty))
142                }
143                FnArg::Receiver(_) => Box::new(iter::once((
144                    Ident::new("self", param.span()),
145                    RecordType::Debug,
146                ))),
147            })
148            // Little dance with new (user-exposed) names and old (internal)
149            // names of identifiers. That way, we could do the following
150            // even though async_trait (<=0.1.43) rewrites "self" as "_self":
151            // ```
152            // #[async_trait]
153            // impl Foo for FooImpl {
154            //     #[instrument(skip(self))]
155            //     async fn foo(&self, v: usize) {}
156            // }
157            // ```
158            .map(|(x, record_type)| {
159                // if we are inside a function generated by async-trait <=0.1.43, we need to
160                // take care to rewrite "_self" as "self" for 'user convenience'
161                if self_type.is_some() && x == "_self" {
162                    (Ident::new("self", x.span()), (x, record_type))
163                } else {
164                    (x.clone(), (x, record_type))
165                }
166            })
167            .collect();
169        for skip in &args.skips {
170            if !param_names.iter().map(|(user, _)| user).any(|y| y == skip) {
171                return quote_spanned! {skip.span()=>
172                    compile_error!("attempting to skip non-existent parameter")
173                };
174            }
175        }
177        let target =;
179        let parent = args.parent.iter();
181        // filter out skipped fields
182        let quoted_fields: Vec<_> = param_names
183            .iter()
184            .filter(|(param, _)| {
185                if args.skip_all || args.skips.contains(param) {
186                    return false;
187                }
189                // If any parameters have the same name as a custom field, skip
190                // and allow them to be formatted by the custom field.
191                if let Some(ref fields) = args.fields {
192                    fields.0.iter().all(|Field { ref name, .. }| {
193                        let first = name.first();
194                        first != name.last() || !first.iter().any(|name| name == &param)
195                    })
196                } else {
197                    true
198                }
199            })
200            .map(|(user_name, (real_name, record_type))| match record_type {
201                RecordType::Value => quote!(#user_name = #real_name),
202                RecordType::Debug => quote!(#user_name = tracing::field::debug(&#real_name)),
203            })
204            .collect();
206        // replace every use of a variable with its original name
207        if let Some(Fields(ref mut fields)) = args.fields {
208            let mut replacer = IdentAndTypesRenamer {
209                idents: param_names.into_iter().map(|(a, (b, _))| (a, b)).collect(),
210                types: Vec::new(),
211            };
213            // when async-trait <=0.1.43 is in use, replace instances
214            // of the "Self" type inside the fields values
215            if let Some(self_type) = self_type {
216                replacer.types.push(("Self", self_type.clone()));
217            }
219            for e in fields.iter_mut().filter_map(|f| f.value.as_mut()) {
220                syn::visit_mut::visit_expr_mut(&mut replacer, e);
221            }
222        }
224        let custom_fields = &args.fields;
226        quote!(tracing::span!(
227            target: #target,
228            #(parent: #parent,)*
229            #level,
230            #span_name,
231            #(#quoted_fields,)*
232            #custom_fields
234        ))
235    })();
237    let target =;
239    let err_event = match args.err_args {
240        Some(event_args) => {
241            let level_tokens = event_args.level(Level::Error);
242            match event_args.mode {
243                FormatMode::Default | FormatMode::Display => Some(quote!(
244                    tracing::event!(target: #target, #level_tokens, error = %e)
245                )),
246                FormatMode::Debug => Some(quote!(
247                    tracing::event!(target: #target, #level_tokens, error = ?e)
248                )),
249            }
250        }
251        _ => None,
252    };
254    let ret_event = match args.ret_args {
255        Some(event_args) => {
256            let level_tokens = event_args.level(args_level);
257            match event_args.mode {
258                FormatMode::Display => Some(quote!(
259                    tracing::event!(target: #target, #level_tokens, return = %x)
260                )),
261                FormatMode::Default | FormatMode::Debug => Some(quote!(
262                    tracing::event!(target: #target, #level_tokens, return = ?x)
263                )),
264            }
265        }
266        _ => None,
267    };
269    // Generate the instrumented function body.
270    // If the function is an `async fn`, this will wrap it in an async block,
271    // which is `instrument`ed using `tracing-futures`. Otherwise, this will
272    // enter the span and then perform the rest of the body.
273    // If `err` is in args, instrument any resulting `Err`s.
274    // If `ret` is in args, instrument any resulting `Ok`s when the function
275    // returns `Result`s, otherwise instrument any resulting values.
276    if async_context {
277        let mk_fut = match (err_event, ret_event) {
278            (Some(err_event), Some(ret_event)) => quote_spanned!(block.span()=>
279                async move {
280                    let __match_scrutinee = async move #block.await;
281                    match  __match_scrutinee {
282                        #[allow(clippy::unit_arg)]
283                        Ok(x) => {
284                            #ret_event;
285                            Ok(x)
286                        },
287                        Err(e) => {
288                            #err_event;
289                            Err(e)
290                        }
291                    }
292                }
293            ),
294            (Some(err_event), None) => quote_spanned!(block.span()=>
295                async move {
296                    match async move #block.await {
297                        #[allow(clippy::unit_arg)]
298                        Ok(x) => Ok(x),
299                        Err(e) => {
300                            #err_event;
301                            Err(e)
302                        }
303                    }
304                }
305            ),
306            (None, Some(ret_event)) => quote_spanned!(block.span()=>
307                async move {
308                    let x = async move #block.await;
309                    #ret_event;
310                    x
311                }
312            ),
313            (None, None) => quote_spanned!(block.span()=>
314                async move #block
315            ),
316        };
318        return quote!(
319            let __tracing_attr_span = #span;
320            let __tracing_instrument_future = #mk_fut;
321            if !__tracing_attr_span.is_disabled() {
322                #follows_from
323                tracing::Instrument::instrument(
324                    __tracing_instrument_future,
325                    __tracing_attr_span
326                )
327                .await
328            } else {
329                __tracing_instrument_future.await
330            }
331        );
332    }
334    let span = quote!(
335        // These variables are left uninitialized and initialized only
336        // if the tracing level is statically enabled at this point.
337        // While the tracing level is also checked at span creation
338        // time, that will still create a dummy span, and a dummy guard
339        // and drop the dummy guard later. By lazily initializing these
340        // variables, Rust will generate a drop flag for them and thus
341        // only drop the guard if it was created. This creates code that
342        // is very straightforward for LLVM to optimize out if the tracing
343        // level is statically disabled, while not causing any performance
344        // regression in case the level is enabled.
345        let __tracing_attr_span;
346        let __tracing_attr_guard;
347        if tracing::level_enabled!(#level) || tracing::if_log_enabled!(#level, {true} else {false}) {
348            __tracing_attr_span = #span;
349            #follows_from
350            __tracing_attr_guard = __tracing_attr_span.enter();
351        }
352    );
354    match (err_event, ret_event) {
355        (Some(err_event), Some(ret_event)) => quote_spanned! {block.span()=>
356            #span
357            #[allow(clippy::redundant_closure_call)]
358            match (move || #block)() {
359                #[allow(clippy::unit_arg)]
360                Ok(x) => {
361                    #ret_event;
362                    Ok(x)
363                },
364                Err(e) => {
365                    #err_event;
366                    Err(e)
367                }
368            }
369        },
370        (Some(err_event), None) => quote_spanned!(block.span()=>
371            #span
372            #[allow(clippy::redundant_closure_call)]
373            match (move || #block)() {
374                #[allow(clippy::unit_arg)]
375                Ok(x) => Ok(x),
376                Err(e) => {
377                    #err_event;
378                    Err(e)
379                }
380            }
381        ),
382        (None, Some(ret_event)) => quote_spanned!(block.span()=>
383            #span
384            #[allow(clippy::redundant_closure_call)]
385            let x = (move || #block)();
386            #ret_event;
387            x
388        ),
389        (None, None) => quote_spanned!(block.span() =>
390            // Because `quote` produces a stream of tokens _without_ whitespace, the
391            // `if` and the block will appear directly next to each other. This
392            // generates a clippy lint about suspicious `if/else` formatting.
393            // Therefore, suppress the lint inside the generated code...
394            #[allow(clippy::suspicious_else_formatting)]
395            {
396                #span
397                // ...but turn the lint back on inside the function body.
398                #[warn(clippy::suspicious_else_formatting)]
399                #block
400            }
401        ),
402    }
405/// Indicates whether a field should be recorded as `Value` or `Debug`.
406enum RecordType {
407    /// The field should be recorded using its `Value` implementation.
408    Value,
409    /// The field should be recorded using `tracing::field::debug()`.
410    Debug,
413impl RecordType {
414    /// Array of primitive types which should be recorded as [RecordType::Value].
415    const TYPES_FOR_VALUE: &'static [&'static str] = &[
416        "bool",
417        "str",
418        "u8",
419        "i8",
420        "u16",
421        "i16",
422        "u32",
423        "i32",
424        "u64",
425        "i64",
426        "u128",
427        "i128",
428        "f32",
429        "f64",
430        "usize",
431        "isize",
432        "String",
433        "NonZeroU8",
434        "NonZeroI8",
435        "NonZeroU16",
436        "NonZeroI16",
437        "NonZeroU32",
438        "NonZeroI32",
439        "NonZeroU64",
440        "NonZeroI64",
441        "NonZeroU128",
442        "NonZeroI128",
443        "NonZeroUsize",
444        "NonZeroIsize",
445        "Wrapping",
446    ];
448    /// Parse `RecordType` from [Type] by looking up
449    /// the [RecordType::TYPES_FOR_VALUE] array.
450    fn parse_from_ty(ty: &Type) -> Self {
451        match ty {
452            Type::Path(TypePath { path, .. })
453                if path
454                    .segments
455                    .iter()
456                    .last()
457                    .map(|path_segment| {
458                        let ident = path_segment.ident.to_string();
459                        Self::TYPES_FOR_VALUE.iter().any(|&t| t == ident)
460                    })
461                    .unwrap_or(false) =>
462            {
463                RecordType::Value
464            }
465            Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { elem, .. }) => RecordType::parse_from_ty(elem),
466            _ => RecordType::Debug,
467        }
468    }
471fn param_names(pat: Pat, record_type: RecordType) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = (Ident, RecordType)>> {
472    match pat {
473        Pat::Ident(PatIdent { ident, .. }) => Box::new(iter::once((ident, record_type))),
474        Pat::Reference(PatReference { pat, .. }) => param_names(*pat, record_type),
475        // We can't get the concrete type of fields in the struct/tuple
476        // patterns by using `syn`. e.g. `fn foo(Foo { x, y }: Foo) {}`.
477        // Therefore, the struct/tuple patterns in the arguments will just
478        // always be recorded as `RecordType::Debug`.
479        Pat::Struct(PatStruct { fields, .. }) => Box::new(
480            fields
481                .into_iter()
482                .flat_map(|FieldPat { pat, .. }| param_names(*pat, RecordType::Debug)),
483        ),
484        Pat::Tuple(PatTuple { elems, .. }) => Box::new(
485            elems
486                .into_iter()
487                .flat_map(|p| param_names(p, RecordType::Debug)),
488        ),
489        Pat::TupleStruct(PatTupleStruct { elems, .. }) => Box::new(
490            elems
491                .into_iter()
492                .flat_map(|p| param_names(p, RecordType::Debug)),
493        ),
495        // The above *should* cover all cases of irrefutable patterns,
496        // but we purposefully don't do any funny business here
497        // (such as panicking) because that would obscure rustc's
498        // much more informative error message.
499        _ => Box::new(iter::empty()),
500    }
503/// The specific async code pattern that was detected
504enum AsyncKind<'a> {
505    /// Immediately-invoked async fn, as generated by `async-trait <= 0.1.43`:
506    /// `async fn foo<...>(...) {...}; Box::pin(foo<...>(...))`
507    Function(&'a ItemFn),
508    /// A function returning an async (move) block, optionally `Box::pin`-ed,
509    /// as generated by `async-trait >= 0.1.44`:
510    /// `Box::pin(async move { ... })`
511    Async {
512        async_expr: &'a ExprAsync,
513        pinned_box: bool,
514    },
517pub(crate) struct AsyncInfo<'block> {
518    // statement that must be patched
519    source_stmt: &'block Stmt,
520    kind: AsyncKind<'block>,
521    self_type: Option<TypePath>,
522    input: &'block ItemFn,
525impl<'block> AsyncInfo<'block> {
526    /// Get the AST of the inner function we need to hook, if it looks like a
527    /// manual future implementation.
528    ///
529    /// When we are given a function that returns a (pinned) future containing the
530    /// user logic, it is that (pinned) future that needs to be instrumented.
531    /// Were we to instrument its parent, we would only collect information
532    /// regarding the allocation of that future, and not its own span of execution.
533    ///
534    /// We inspect the block of the function to find if it matches any of the
535    /// following patterns:
536    ///
537    /// - Immediately-invoked async fn, as generated by `async-trait <= 0.1.43`:
538    ///   `async fn foo<...>(...) {...}; Box::pin(foo<...>(...))`
539    ///
540    /// - A function returning an async (move) block, optionally `Box::pin`-ed,
541    ///   as generated by `async-trait >= 0.1.44`:
542    ///   `Box::pin(async move { ... })`
543    ///
544    /// We the return the statement that must be instrumented, along with some
545    /// other information.
546    /// 'gen_body' will then be able to use that information to instrument the
547    /// proper function/future.
548    ///
549    /// (this follows the approach suggested in
550    ///
551    pub(crate) fn from_fn(input: &'block ItemFn) -> Option<Self> {
552        // are we in an async context? If yes, this isn't a manual async-like pattern
553        if input.sig.asyncness.is_some() {
554            return None;
555        }
557        let block = &input.block;
559        // list of async functions declared inside the block
560        let inside_funs = block.stmts.iter().filter_map(|stmt| {
561            if let Stmt::Item(Item::Fn(fun)) = &stmt {
562                // If the function is async, this is a candidate
563                if fun.sig.asyncness.is_some() {
564                    return Some((stmt, fun));
565                }
566            }
567            None
568        });
570        // last expression of the block: it determines the return value of the
571        // block, this is quite likely a `Box::pin` statement or an async block
572        let (last_expr_stmt, last_expr) = block.stmts.iter().rev().find_map(|stmt| {
573            if let Stmt::Expr(expr, _semi) = stmt {
574                Some((stmt, expr))
575            } else {
576                None
577            }
578        })?;
580        // is the last expression an async block?
581        if let Expr::Async(async_expr) = last_expr {
582            return Some(AsyncInfo {
583                source_stmt: last_expr_stmt,
584                kind: AsyncKind::Async {
585                    async_expr,
586                    pinned_box: false,
587                },
588                self_type: None,
589                input,
590            });
591        }
593        // is the last expression a function call?
594        let (outside_func, outside_args) = match last_expr {
595            Expr::Call(ExprCall { func, args, .. }) => (func, args),
596            _ => return None,
597        };
599        // is it a call to `Box::pin()`?
600        let path = match outside_func.as_ref() {
601            Expr::Path(path) => &path.path,
602            _ => return None,
603        };
604        if !path_to_string(path).ends_with("Box::pin") {
605            return None;
606        }
608        // Does the call take an argument? If it doesn't,
609        // it's not gonna compile anyway, but that's no reason
610        // to (try to) perform an out of bounds access
611        if outside_args.is_empty() {
612            return None;
613        }
615        // Is the argument to Box::pin an async block that
616        // captures its arguments?
617        if let Expr::Async(async_expr) = &outside_args[0] {
618            return Some(AsyncInfo {
619                source_stmt: last_expr_stmt,
620                kind: AsyncKind::Async {
621                    async_expr,
622                    pinned_box: true,
623                },
624                self_type: None,
625                input,
626            });
627        }
629        // Is the argument to Box::pin a function call itself?
630        let func = match &outside_args[0] {
631            Expr::Call(ExprCall { func, .. }) => func,
632            _ => return None,
633        };
635        // "stringify" the path of the function called
636        let func_name = match **func {
637            Expr::Path(ref func_path) => path_to_string(&func_path.path),
638            _ => return None,
639        };
641        // Was that function defined inside of the current block?
642        // If so, retrieve the statement where it was declared and the function itself
643        let (stmt_func_declaration, func) = inside_funs
644            .into_iter()
645            .find(|(_, fun)| fun.sig.ident == func_name)?;
647        // If "_self" is present as an argument, we store its type to be able to rewrite "Self" (the
648        // parameter type) with the type of "_self"
649        let mut self_type = None;
650        for arg in &func.sig.inputs {
651            if let FnArg::Typed(ty) = arg {
652                if let Pat::Ident(PatIdent { ref ident, .. }) = *ty.pat {
653                    if ident == "_self" {
654                        let mut ty = *ty.ty.clone();
655                        // extract the inner type if the argument is "&self" or "&mut self"
656                        if let Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { elem, .. }) = ty {
657                            ty = *elem;
658                        }
660                        if let Type::Path(tp) = ty {
661                            self_type = Some(tp);
662                            break;
663                        }
664                    }
665                }
666            }
667        }
669        Some(AsyncInfo {
670            source_stmt: stmt_func_declaration,
671            kind: AsyncKind::Function(func),
672            self_type,
673            input,
674        })
675    }
677    pub(crate) fn gen_async(
678        self,
679        args: InstrumentArgs,
680        instrumented_function_name: &str,
681    ) -> Result<proc_macro::TokenStream, syn::Error> {
682        // let's rewrite some statements!
683        let mut out_stmts: Vec<TokenStream> = self
684            .input
685            .block
686            .stmts
687            .iter()
688            .map(|stmt| stmt.to_token_stream())
689            .collect();
691        if let Some((iter, _stmt)) = self
692            .input
693            .block
694            .stmts
695            .iter()
696            .enumerate()
697            .find(|(_iter, stmt)| *stmt == self.source_stmt)
698        {
699            // instrument the future by rewriting the corresponding statement
700            out_stmts[iter] = match self.kind {
701                // `Box::pin(immediately_invoked_async_fn())`
702                AsyncKind::Function(fun) => {
703                    let fun = MaybeItemFn::from(fun.clone());
704                    gen_function(
705                        fun.as_ref(),
706                        args,
707                        instrumented_function_name,
708                        self.self_type.as_ref(),
709                    )
710                }
711                // `async move { ... }`, optionally pinned
712                AsyncKind::Async {
713                    async_expr,
714                    pinned_box,
715                } => {
716                    let instrumented_block = gen_block(
717                        &async_expr.block,
718                        &self.input.sig.inputs,
719                        true,
720                        args,
721                        instrumented_function_name,
722                        None,
723                    );
724                    let async_attrs = &async_expr.attrs;
725                    if pinned_box {
726                        quote! {
727                            Box::pin(#(#async_attrs) * async move { #instrumented_block })
728                        }
729                    } else {
730                        quote! {
731                            #(#async_attrs) * async move { #instrumented_block }
732                        }
733                    }
734                }
735            };
736        }
738        let vis = &self.input.vis;
739        let sig = &self.input.sig;
740        let attrs = &self.input.attrs;
741        Ok(quote!(
742            #(#attrs) *
743            #vis #sig {
744                #(#out_stmts) *
745            }
746        )
747        .into())
748    }
751// Return a path as a String
752fn path_to_string(path: &Path) -> String {
753    use std::fmt::Write;
754    // some heuristic to prevent too many allocations
755    let mut res = String::with_capacity(path.segments.len() * 5);
756    for i in 0..path.segments.len() {
757        write!(&mut res, "{}", path.segments[i].ident)
758            .expect("writing to a String should never fail");
759        if i < path.segments.len() - 1 {
760            res.push_str("::");
761        }
762    }
763    res
766/// A visitor struct to replace idents and types in some piece
767/// of code (e.g. the "self" and "Self" tokens in user-supplied
768/// fields expressions when the function is generated by an old
769/// version of async-trait).
770struct IdentAndTypesRenamer<'a> {
771    types: Vec<(&'a str, TypePath)>,
772    idents: Vec<(Ident, Ident)>,
775impl<'a> VisitMut for IdentAndTypesRenamer<'a> {
776    // we deliberately compare strings because we want to ignore the spans
777    // If we apply clippy's lint, the behavior changes
778    #[allow(clippy::cmp_owned)]
779    fn visit_ident_mut(&mut self, id: &mut Ident) {
780        for (old_ident, new_ident) in &self.idents {
781            if id.to_string() == old_ident.to_string() {
782                *id = new_ident.clone();
783            }
784        }
785    }
787    fn visit_type_mut(&mut self, ty: &mut Type) {
788        for (type_name, new_type) in &self.types {
789            if let Type::Path(TypePath { path, .. }) = ty {
790                if path_to_string(path) == *type_name {
791                    *ty = Type::Path(new_type.clone());
792                }
793            }
794        }
795    }
798// A visitor struct that replace an async block by its patched version
799struct AsyncTraitBlockReplacer<'a> {
800    block: &'a Block,
801    patched_block: Block,
804impl<'a> VisitMut for AsyncTraitBlockReplacer<'a> {
805    fn visit_block_mut(&mut self, i: &mut Block) {
806        if i == self.block {
807            *i = self.patched_block.clone();
808        }
809    }
812// Replaces any `impl Trait` with `_` so it can be used as the type in
813// a `let` statement's LHS.
814struct ImplTraitEraser;
816impl VisitMut for ImplTraitEraser {
817    fn visit_type_mut(&mut self, t: &mut Type) {
818        if let Type::ImplTrait(..) = t {
819            *t = syn::TypeInfer {
820                underscore_token: Token![_](t.span()),
821            }
822            .into();
823        } else {
824            syn::visit_mut::visit_type_mut(self, t);
825        }
826    }
829fn erase_impl_trait(ty: &Type) -> Type {
830    let mut ty = ty.clone();
831    ImplTraitEraser.visit_type_mut(&mut ty);
832    ty