//! A collection of synchronization primitives that build on the primitives available in the
//! standard library.
//! This library contains the following special-purpose synchronization primitives:
//! * [`CountdownEvent`], a primitive that keeps a counter and allows a thread to wait until the
//! counter reaches zero.
//! * [`SignalEvent`], a primitive that allows one or more threads to wait on a signal from another
//! thread.
//! * [`WriterReaderPhaser`], a primitive that allows multiple wait-free "writer critical sections"
//! against a "reader phase flip" that waits for currently-active writers to finish.
//! [`CountdownEvent`]: struct.CountdownEvent.html
//! [`SignalEvent`]: struct.SignalEvent.html
//! [`WriterReaderPhaser`]: struct.WriterReaderPhaser.html
#![deny(warnings, missing_docs)]
// Name source:
extern crate crossbeam_queue;
pub mod event;
pub mod phaser;
pub use event::{CountdownEvent, SignalEvent};
pub use phaser::WriterReaderPhaser;