1//! Slots and global/thread local data for the Helping strategy.
3//! This is inspired (but not an exact copy) of
4//! <>. The debts are mostly
5//! copies of the ones used by the hybrid strategy, but modified a bit. Just like in the hybrid
6//! strategy, in case the slots run out or when the writer updates the value, the debts are paid by
7//! incrementing the ref count (which is a little slower, but still wait-free/lock-free and still
8//! in order of nanoseconds).
10//! ## Reader, the fast path
12//! * Publish an active address ‒ the address we'll be loading stuff from.
13//! * Puts a generation into the control.
14//! * Loads the pointer and puts it to the debt slot.
15//! * Confirms by CaS-replacing the generation back to idle state.
17//! * Later, we pay it back by CaS-replacing it with the NO_DEPT (like any other slot).
19//! ## Writer, the non-colliding path
21//! * Replaces the pointer in the storage.
22//! * The writer walks over all debts. It pays each debt that it is concerned with by bumping the
23//! reference and replacing the dept with NO_DEPT. The relevant reader will fail in the CaS
24//! (either because it finds NO_DEPT or other pointer in there) and knows the reference was
25//! bumped, so it needs to decrement it. Note that it is possible that someone also reuses the
26//! slot for the _same_ pointer. In that case that reader will set it to NO_DEPT and the newer
27//! reader will have a pre-paid debt, which is fine.
29//! ## The collision path
31//! The reservation of a slot is not atomic, therefore a writer can observe the reservation in
32//! progress. But it doesn't want to wait for it to complete (it wants to be lock-free, which means
33//! it needs to be able to resolve the situation on its own).
35//! The way it knows it is in progress of the reservation is by seeing a generation in there (it has
36//! a distinct tag). In that case it'll try to:
38//! * First verify that the reservation is being done for the same address it modified, by reading
39//! and re-confirming the active_addr slot corresponding to the currently handled node. If it is
40//! for some other address, the writer doesn't have to be concerned and proceeds to the next slot.
41//! * It does a full load. That is fine, because the writer must be on a different thread than the
42//! reader and therefore there is at least one free slot. Full load means paying the debt right
43//! away by incrementing the reference count.
44//! * Then it tries to pass the already fully protected/paid pointer to the reader. It writes it to
45//! an envelope and CaS-replaces it into the control, instead of the generation (if it fails,
46//! someone has been faster and it rolls back). We need the envelope because the pointer itself
47//! doesn't have to be aligned to 4 bytes and we need the space for tags to distinguish the types
48//! of info in control; we can ensure the envelope is).
49//! * The reader then finds the generation got replaced by a pointer to the envelope and uses that
50//! pointer inside the envelope. It aborts its own debt. This effectively exchanges the envelopes
51//! between the threads so each one has an envelope ready for future.
53//! ## ABA protection
55//! The generation as pre-reserving the slot allows the writer to make sure it is offering the
56//! loaded pointer to the same reader and that the read value is new enough (and of the same type).
58//! This solves the general case, but there's also much less frequent but theoretical ABA problem
59//! that could lead to UB, if left unsolved:
61//! * There is a collision on generation G.
62//! * The writer loads a pointer, bumps it.
63//! * In the meantime, all the 2^30 or 2^62 generations (depending on the usize width) generations
64//! wrap around.
65//! * The writer stores the outdated and possibly different-typed pointer in there and the reader
66//! uses it.
68//! To mitigate that, every time the counter overflows we take the current node and un-assign it
69//! from our current thread. We mark it as in "cooldown" and let it in there until there are no
70//! writers messing with that node any more (if they are not on the node, they can't experience the
71//! ABA problem on it). After that, we are allowed to use it again.
73//! This doesn't block the reader, it'll simply find *a* node next time ‒ this one, or possibly a
74//! different (or new) one.
76//! # Orderings
78//! The linked lists/nodes are already provided for us. So we just need to make sure the debt
79//! juggling is done right. We assume that the local node is ours to write to (others have only
80//! limited right to write to certain fields under certain conditions) and that we are counted into
81//! active writers while we dig through it on the writer end.
83//! We use SeqCst on a read-write operation both here at the very start of the sequence (storing
84//! the generation into the control) and in the writer on the actual pointer. That establishes a
85//! relation of what has happened first.
87//! After that we split the time into segments by read-write operations with AcqRel read-write
88//! operations on the control. There's just one control in play for both threads so we don't need
89//! SeqCst and the segments are understood by both the same way. The writer can sometimes use only
90//! load-Acquire on that, because it needs to only read from data written by the reader. It'll
91//! always see data from at least the segment before the observed control value and uses CaS to
92//! send the results back, so it can't go into the past.
94//! There are two little gotchas:
96//! * When we read the address we should be loading from, we need to give up if the address does
97//! not match (we can't simply load from there, because it can be dangling by that point and we
98//! don't know its type, so we need to use our address for all loading ‒ and we just check they
99//! match). If we give up, we don't do that CaS into control, therefore we could have given up on
100//! newer address than the control we have read. For that reason, the address is also stored by
101//! reader with Release and we read it with Acquire, which'll bring an up to date version of
102//! control into our thread ‒ and we re-read that one to confirm the address is indeed between
103//! two same values holding the generation, therefore corresponding to it.
104//! * The destructor doesn't have a SeqCst in the writer, because there was no write in there.
105//! That's OK. We need to ensure there are no new readers after the "change" we confirm in the
106//! writer and that change is the destruction ‒ by that time, the destroying thread has exclusive
107//! ownership and therefore there can be no new readers.
109use core::cell::Cell;
110use core::ptr;
111use core::sync::atomic::Ordering::*;
112use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, AtomicUsize};
114use super::Debt;
115use crate::RefCnt;
117pub const REPLACEMENT_TAG: usize = 0b01;
118pub const GEN_TAG: usize = 0b10;
119pub const TAG_MASK: usize = 0b11;
120pub const IDLE: usize = 0;
122/// Thread local data for the helping strategy.
124pub(super) struct Local {
125 // The generation counter.
126 generation: Cell<usize>,
129// Make sure the pointers have 2 empty bits. Always.
132struct Handover(AtomicUsize);
134/// The slots for the helping strategy.
135pub(super) struct Slots {
136 /// The control structure of the slot.
137 ///
138 /// Different threads signal what stage they are in in there. It can contain:
139 ///
140 /// * `IDLE` (nothing is happening, and there may or may not be an active debt).
141 /// * a generation, tagged with GEN_TAG. The reader is trying to acquire a slot right now and a
142 /// writer might try to help out.
143 /// * A replacement pointer, tagged with REPLACEMENT_TAG. This pointer points to an Handover,
144 /// containing an already protected value, provided by the writer for the benefit of the
145 /// reader. The reader should abort its own debt and use this instead. This indirection
146 /// (storing pointer to the envelope with the actual pointer) is to make sure there's a space
147 /// for the tag ‒ there is no guarantee the real pointer is aligned to at least 4 bytes, we
148 /// can however force that for the Handover type.
149 control: AtomicUsize,
150 /// A possibly active debt.
151 slot: Debt,
152 /// If there's a generation in control, this signifies what address the reader is trying to
153 /// load from.
154 active_addr: AtomicUsize,
155 /// A place where a writer can put a replacement value.
156 ///
157 /// Note that this is simply an allocation, and every participating slot contributes one, but
158 /// they may be passed around through the lifetime of the program. It is not accessed directly,
159 /// but through the space_offer thing.
160 ///
161 handover: Handover,
162 /// A pointer to a handover envelope this node currently owns.
163 ///
164 /// A writer makes a switch of its and readers handover when successfully storing a replacement
165 /// in the control.
166 space_offer: AtomicPtr<Handover>,
169impl Default for Slots {
170 fn default() -> Self {
171 Slots {
172 control: AtomicUsize::new(IDLE),
173 slot: Debt::default(),
174 // Doesn't matter yet
175 active_addr: AtomicUsize::new(0),
176 // Also doesn't matter
177 handover: Handover::default(),
178 // Here we would like it to point to our handover. But for that we need to be in place
179 // in RAM (effectively pinned, though we use older Rust than Pin, possibly?), so not
180 // yet. See init().
181 space_offer: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
182 }
183 }
186impl Slots {
187 pub(super) fn slot(&self) -> &Debt {
188 &self.slot
189 }
191 pub(super) fn get_debt(&self, ptr: usize, local: &Local) -> (usize, bool) {
192 // Incrementing by 4 ensures we always have enough space for 2 bit of tags.
193 let gen = local.generation.get().wrapping_add(4);
194 debug_assert_eq!(gen & GEN_TAG, 0);
195 local.generation.set(gen);
196 // Signal the caller that the node should be sent to a cooldown.
197 let discard = gen == 0;
198 let gen = gen | GEN_TAG;
199 // We will sync by the write to the control. But we also sync the value of the previous
200 // generation/released slot. That way we may re-confirm in the writer that the reader is
201 // not in between here and the compare_exchange below with a stale gen (eg. if we are in
202 // here, the re-confirm there will load the NO_DEPT and we are fine).
203, SeqCst);
205 // We are the only ones allowed to do the IDLE -> * transition and we never leave it in
206 // anything else after an transaction, so this is OK. But we still need a load-store SeqCst
207 // operation here to form a relation between this and the store of the actual pointer in
208 // the writer thread :-(.
209 let prev = self.control.swap(gen, SeqCst);
210 debug_assert_eq!(IDLE, prev, "Left control in wrong state");
212 (gen, discard)
213 }
215 pub(super) fn help<R, T>(&self, who: &Self, storage_addr: usize, replacement: &R)
216 where
217 T: RefCnt,
218 R: Fn() -> T,
219 {
220 debug_assert_eq!(IDLE, self.control.load(Relaxed));
221 // Also acquires the auxiliary data in other variables.
222 let mut control = who.control.load(SeqCst);
223 loop {
224 match control & TAG_MASK {
225 // Nothing to help with
226 IDLE if control == IDLE => break,
227 // Someone has already helped out with that, so we have nothing to do here
228 REPLACEMENT_TAG => break,
229 // Something is going on, let's have a better look.
230 GEN_TAG => {
231 debug_assert!(
232 !ptr::eq(self, who),
233 "Refusing to help myself, makes no sense"
234 );
235 // Get the address that other thread is trying to load from. By that acquire,
236 // we also sync the control into our thread once more and reconfirm that the
237 // value of the active_addr is in between two same instances, therefore up to
238 // date to it.
239 let active_addr = who.active_addr.load(SeqCst);
240 if active_addr != storage_addr {
241 // Acquire for the same reason as on the top.
242 let new_control = who.control.load(SeqCst);
243 if new_control == control {
244 // The other thread is doing something, but to some other ArcSwap, so
245 // we don't care. Cool, done.
246 break;
247 } else {
248 // The control just changed under our hands, we don't know what to
249 // trust, so retry.
250 control = new_control;
251 continue;
252 }
253 }
255 // Now we know this work is for us. Try to create a replacement and offer it.
256 // This actually does a full-featured load under the hood, but we are currently
257 // idle and the load doesn't re-enter write, so that's all fine.
258 let replacement = replacement();
259 let replace_addr = T::as_ptr(&replacement) as usize;
260 // If we succeed in helping the other thread, we take their empty space in
261 // return for us that we pass to them. It's already there, the value is synced
262 // to us by Acquire on control.
263 let their_space = who.space_offer.load(SeqCst);
264 // Relaxed is fine, our own thread and nobody but us writes in here.
265 let my_space = self.space_offer.load(SeqCst);
266 // Relaxed is fine, we'll sync by the next compare-exchange. If we don't, the
267 // value won't ever be read anyway.
268 unsafe {
269 (*my_space), SeqCst);
270 }
271 // Ensured by the align annotation at the type.
272 assert_eq!(my_space as usize & TAG_MASK, 0);
273 let space_addr = (my_space as usize) | REPLACEMENT_TAG;
274 // Acquire on failure -> same reason as at the top, reading the value.
275 // Release on success -> we send data to that thread through here. Must be
276 // AcqRel, because success must be superset of failure. Also, load to get their
277 // space (it won't have changed, it does when the control is set to IDLE).
278 match who
279 .control
280 .compare_exchange(control, space_addr, SeqCst, SeqCst)
281 {
282 Ok(_) => {
283 // We have successfully sent our replacement out (Release) and got
284 // their space in return (Acquire on that load above).
285, SeqCst);
286 // The ref count went with it, so forget about it here.
287 T::into_ptr(replacement);
288 // We have successfully helped out, so we are done.
289 break;
290 }
291 Err(new_control) => {
292 // Something has changed in between. Let's try again, nothing changed
293 // (the replacement will get dropped at the end of scope, we didn't do
294 // anything with the spaces, etc.
295 control = new_control;
296 }
297 }
298 }
299 _ => unreachable!("Invalid control value {:X}", control),
300 }
301 }
302 }
304 pub(super) fn init(&mut self) {
305 *self.space_offer.get_mut() = &mut self.handover;
306 }
308 pub(super) fn confirm(&self, gen: usize, ptr: usize) -> Result<(), usize> {
309 // Put the slot there and consider it acquire of a „lock“. For that we need swap, not store
310 // only (we need Acquire and Acquire works only on loads). Release is to make sure control
311 // is observable by the other thread (but that's probably not necessary anyway?)
312 let prev = self.slot.0.swap(ptr, SeqCst);
313 debug_assert_eq!(Debt::NONE, prev);
315 // Confirm by writing to the control (or discover that we got helped). We stop anyone else
316 // from helping by setting it to IDLE.
317 let control = self.control.swap(IDLE, SeqCst);
318 if control == gen {
319 // Nobody interfered, we have our debt in place and can proceed.
320 Ok(())
321 } else {
322 // Someone put a replacement in there.
323 debug_assert_eq!(control & TAG_MASK, REPLACEMENT_TAG);
324 let handover = (control & !TAG_MASK) as *mut Handover;
325 let replacement = unsafe { &*handover }.0.load(SeqCst);
326 // Make sure we advertise the right envelope when we set it to generation next time.
327, SeqCst);
328 // Note we've left the debt in place. The caller should pay it back (without ever
329 // taking advantage of it) to make sure any extra is actually dropped (it is possible
330 // someone provided the replacement *and* paid the debt and we need just one of them).
331 Err(replacement)
332 }
333 }