
1use alloc::boxed::Box;
2use alloc::sync::Arc;
3use alloc::vec::Vec;
4use core::fmt;
5use core::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
6use core::marker::PhantomData;
7use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
8#[cfg(feature = "std")]
9use std::io;
11use pki_types::{DnsName, UnixTime};
13use super::hs;
14use crate::builder::ConfigBuilder;
15use crate::common_state::{CommonState, Side};
16#[cfg(feature = "std")]
17use crate::common_state::{Protocol, State};
18use crate::conn::{ConnectionCommon, ConnectionCore, UnbufferedConnectionCommon};
20use crate::crypto;
21use crate::crypto::CryptoProvider;
22use crate::enums::{CipherSuite, ProtocolVersion, SignatureScheme};
23use crate::error::Error;
24use crate::log::trace;
25use crate::msgs::base::Payload;
26use crate::msgs::enums::CertificateType;
27use crate::msgs::handshake::{ClientHelloPayload, ProtocolName, ServerExtension};
28use crate::msgs::message::Message;
29#[cfg(feature = "std")]
30use crate::time_provider::DefaultTimeProvider;
31use crate::time_provider::TimeProvider;
32use crate::vecbuf::ChunkVecBuffer;
33#[cfg(feature = "std")]
34use crate::WantsVerifier;
35use crate::{compress, sign, verify, versions, KeyLog, WantsVersions};
37/// A trait for the ability to store server session data.
39/// The keys and values are opaque.
41/// Inserted keys are randomly chosen by the library and have
42/// no internal structure (in other words, you may rely on all
43/// bits being uniformly random).  Queried keys are untrusted data.
45/// Both the keys and values should be treated as
46/// **highly sensitive data**, containing enough key material
47/// to break all security of the corresponding sessions.
49/// Implementations can be lossy (in other words, forgetting
50/// key/value pairs) without any negative security consequences.
52/// However, note that `take` **must** reliably delete a returned
53/// value.  If it does not, there may be security consequences.
55/// `put` and `take` are mutating operations; this isn't expressed
56/// in the type system to allow implementations freedom in
57/// how to achieve interior mutability.  `Mutex` is a common
58/// choice.
59pub trait StoresServerSessions: Debug + Send + Sync {
60    /// Store session secrets encoded in `value` against `key`,
61    /// overwrites any existing value against `key`.  Returns `true`
62    /// if the value was stored.
63    fn put(&self, key: Vec<u8>, value: Vec<u8>) -> bool;
65    /// Find a value with the given `key`.  Return it, or None
66    /// if it doesn't exist.
67    fn get(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
69    /// Find a value with the given `key`.  Return it and delete it;
70    /// or None if it doesn't exist.
71    fn take(&self, key: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
73    /// Whether the store can cache another session. This is used to indicate to clients
74    /// whether their session can be resumed; the implementation is not required to remember
75    /// a session even if it returns `true` here.
76    fn can_cache(&self) -> bool;
79/// A trait for the ability to encrypt and decrypt tickets.
80pub trait ProducesTickets: Debug + Send + Sync {
81    /// Returns true if this implementation will encrypt/decrypt
82    /// tickets.  Should return false if this is a dummy
83    /// implementation: the server will not send the SessionTicket
84    /// extension and will not call the other functions.
85    fn enabled(&self) -> bool;
87    /// Returns the lifetime in seconds of tickets produced now.
88    /// The lifetime is provided as a hint to clients that the
89    /// ticket will not be useful after the given time.
90    ///
91    /// This lifetime must be implemented by key rolling and
92    /// erasure, *not* by storing a lifetime in the ticket.
93    ///
94    /// The objective is to limit damage to forward secrecy caused
95    /// by tickets, not just limiting their lifetime.
96    fn lifetime(&self) -> u32;
98    /// Encrypt and authenticate `plain`, returning the resulting
99    /// ticket.  Return None if `plain` cannot be encrypted for
100    /// some reason: an empty ticket will be sent and the connection
101    /// will continue.
102    fn encrypt(&self, plain: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
104    /// Decrypt `cipher`, validating its authenticity protection
105    /// and recovering the plaintext.  `cipher` is fully attacker
106    /// controlled, so this decryption must be side-channel free,
107    /// panic-proof, and otherwise bullet-proof.  If the decryption
108    /// fails, return None.
109    fn decrypt(&self, cipher: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
112/// How to choose a certificate chain and signing key for use
113/// in server authentication.
115/// This is suitable when selecting a certificate does not require
116/// I/O or when the application is using blocking I/O anyhow.
118/// For applications that use async I/O and need to do I/O to choose
119/// a certificate (for instance, fetching a certificate from a data store),
120/// the [`Acceptor`] interface is more suitable.
121pub trait ResolvesServerCert: Debug + Send + Sync {
122    /// Choose a certificate chain and matching key given simplified
123    /// ClientHello information.
124    ///
125    /// Return `None` to abort the handshake.
126    fn resolve(&self, client_hello: ClientHello<'_>) -> Option<Arc<sign::CertifiedKey>>;
128    /// Return true when the server only supports raw public keys.
129    fn only_raw_public_keys(&self) -> bool {
130        false
131    }
134/// A struct representing the received Client Hello
136pub struct ClientHello<'a> {
137    pub(super) server_name: &'a Option<DnsName<'a>>,
138    pub(super) signature_schemes: &'a [SignatureScheme],
139    pub(super) alpn: Option<&'a Vec<ProtocolName>>,
140    pub(super) server_cert_types: Option<&'a [CertificateType]>,
141    pub(super) client_cert_types: Option<&'a [CertificateType]>,
142    pub(super) cipher_suites: &'a [CipherSuite],
145impl<'a> ClientHello<'a> {
146    /// Get the server name indicator.
147    ///
148    /// Returns `None` if the client did not supply a SNI.
149    pub fn server_name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
150        self.server_name
151            .as_ref()
152            .map(<DnsName<'_> as AsRef<str>>::as_ref)
153    }
155    /// Get the compatible signature schemes.
156    ///
157    /// Returns standard-specified default if the client omitted this extension.
158    pub fn signature_schemes(&self) -> &[SignatureScheme] {
159        self.signature_schemes
160    }
162    /// Get the ALPN protocol identifiers submitted by the client.
163    ///
164    /// Returns `None` if the client did not include an ALPN extension.
165    ///
166    /// Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) is a TLS extension that lets a client
167    /// submit a set of identifiers that each a represent an application-layer protocol.
168    /// The server will then pick its preferred protocol from the set submitted by the client.
169    /// Each identifier is represented as a byte array, although common values are often ASCII-encoded.
170    /// See the official RFC-7301 specifications at <>
171    /// for more information on ALPN.
172    ///
173    /// For example, a HTTP client might specify "http/1.1" and/or "h2". Other well-known values
174    /// are listed in the at IANA registry at
175    /// <>.
176    ///
177    /// The server can specify supported ALPN protocols by setting [`ServerConfig::alpn_protocols`].
178    /// During the handshake, the server will select the first protocol configured that the client supports.
179    pub fn alpn(&self) -> Option<impl Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>> {
180|protocols| {
181            protocols
182                .iter()
183                .map(|proto| proto.as_ref())
184        })
185    }
187    /// Get cipher suites.
188    pub fn cipher_suites(&self) -> &[CipherSuite] {
189        self.cipher_suites
190    }
192    /// Get the server certificate types offered in the ClientHello.
193    ///
194    /// Returns `None` if the client did not include a certificate type extension.
195    pub fn server_cert_types(&self) -> Option<&'a [CertificateType]> {
196        self.server_cert_types
197    }
199    /// Get the client certificate types offered in the ClientHello.
200    ///
201    /// Returns `None` if the client did not include a certificate type extension.
202    pub fn client_cert_types(&self) -> Option<&'a [CertificateType]> {
203        self.client_cert_types
204    }
207/// Common configuration for a set of server sessions.
209/// Making one of these is cheap, though one of the inputs may be expensive: gathering trust roots
210/// from the operating system to add to the [`RootCertStore`] passed to a `ClientCertVerifier`
211/// builder may take on the order of a few hundred milliseconds.
213/// These must be created via the [`ServerConfig::builder()`] or [`ServerConfig::builder_with_provider()`]
214/// function.
216/// # Defaults
218/// * [`ServerConfig::max_fragment_size`]: the default is `None` (meaning 16kB).
219/// * [`ServerConfig::session_storage`]: if the `std` feature is enabled, the default stores 256
220///   sessions in memory. If the `std` feature is not enabled, the default is to not store any
221///   sessions. In a no-std context, by enabling the `hashbrown` feature you may provide your
222///   own `session_storage` using [`ServerSessionMemoryCache`] and a `crate::lock::MakeMutex`
223///   implementation.
224/// * [`ServerConfig::alpn_protocols`]: the default is empty -- no ALPN protocol is negotiated.
225/// * [`ServerConfig::key_log`]: key material is not logged.
226/// * [`ServerConfig::send_tls13_tickets`]: 2 tickets are sent.
227/// * [`ServerConfig::cert_compressors`]: depends on the crate features, see [`compress::default_cert_compressors()`].
228/// * [`ServerConfig::cert_compression_cache`]: caches the most recently used 4 compressions
229/// * [`ServerConfig::cert_decompressors`]: depends on the crate features, see [`compress::default_cert_decompressors()`].
231/// [`RootCertStore`]: crate::RootCertStore
232/// [`ServerSessionMemoryCache`]: crate::server::handy::ServerSessionMemoryCache
233#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
234pub struct ServerConfig {
235    /// Source of randomness and other crypto.
236    pub(super) provider: Arc<CryptoProvider>,
238    /// Ignore the client's ciphersuite order. Instead,
239    /// choose the top ciphersuite in the server list
240    /// which is supported by the client.
241    pub ignore_client_order: bool,
243    /// The maximum size of plaintext input to be emitted in a single TLS record.
244    /// A value of None is equivalent to the [TLS maximum] of 16 kB.
245    ///
246    /// rustls enforces an arbitrary minimum of 32 bytes for this field.
247    /// Out of range values are reported as errors from [ServerConnection::new].
248    ///
249    /// Setting this value to a little less than the TCP MSS may improve latency
250    /// for stream-y workloads.
251    ///
252    /// [TLS maximum]:
253    /// [ServerConnection::new]: crate::server::ServerConnection::new
254    pub max_fragment_size: Option<usize>,
256    /// How to store client sessions.
257    pub session_storage: Arc<dyn StoresServerSessions>,
259    /// How to produce tickets.
260    pub ticketer: Arc<dyn ProducesTickets>,
262    /// How to choose a server cert and key. This is usually set by
263    /// [ConfigBuilder::with_single_cert] or [ConfigBuilder::with_cert_resolver].
264    /// For async applications, see also [Acceptor].
265    pub cert_resolver: Arc<dyn ResolvesServerCert>,
267    /// Protocol names we support, most preferred first.
268    /// If empty we don't do ALPN at all.
269    pub alpn_protocols: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
271    /// Supported protocol versions, in no particular order.
272    /// The default is all supported versions.
273    pub(super) versions: versions::EnabledVersions,
275    /// How to verify client certificates.
276    pub(super) verifier: Arc<dyn verify::ClientCertVerifier>,
278    /// How to output key material for debugging.  The default
279    /// does nothing.
280    pub key_log: Arc<dyn KeyLog>,
282    /// Allows traffic secrets to be extracted after the handshake,
283    /// e.g. for kTLS setup.
284    pub enable_secret_extraction: bool,
286    /// Amount of early data to accept for sessions created by
287    /// this config.  Specify 0 to disable early data.  The
288    /// default is 0.
289    ///
290    /// Read the early data via [`ServerConnection::early_data`].
291    ///
292    /// The units for this are _both_ plaintext bytes, _and_ ciphertext
293    /// bytes, depending on whether the server accepts a client's early_data
294    /// or not.  It is therefore recommended to include some slop in
295    /// this value to account for the unknown amount of ciphertext
296    /// expansion in the latter case.
297    pub max_early_data_size: u32,
299    /// Whether the server should send "0.5RTT" data.  This means the server
300    /// sends data after its first flight of handshake messages, without
301    /// waiting for the client to complete the handshake.
302    ///
303    /// This can improve TTFB latency for either server-speaks-first protocols,
304    /// or client-speaks-first protocols when paired with "0RTT" data.  This
305    /// comes at the cost of a subtle weakening of the normal handshake
306    /// integrity guarantees that TLS provides.  Note that the initial
307    /// `ClientHello` is indirectly authenticated because it is included
308    /// in the transcript used to derive the keys used to encrypt the data.
309    ///
310    /// This only applies to TLS1.3 connections.  TLS1.2 connections cannot
311    /// do this optimisation and this setting is ignored for them.  It is
312    /// also ignored for TLS1.3 connections that even attempt client
313    /// authentication.
314    ///
315    /// This defaults to false.  This means the first application data
316    /// sent by the server comes after receiving and validating the client's
317    /// handshake up to the `Finished` message.  This is the safest option.
318    pub send_half_rtt_data: bool,
320    /// How many TLS1.3 tickets to send immediately after a successful
321    /// handshake.
322    ///
323    /// Because TLS1.3 tickets are single-use, this allows
324    /// a client to perform multiple resumptions.
325    ///
326    /// The default is 2.
327    ///
328    /// If this is 0, no tickets are sent and clients will not be able to
329    /// do any resumption.
330    pub send_tls13_tickets: usize,
332    /// If set to `true`, requires the client to support the extended
333    /// master secret extraction method defined in [RFC 7627].
334    ///
335    /// The default is `true` if the "fips" crate feature is enabled,
336    /// `false` otherwise.
337    ///
338    /// It must be set to `true` to meet FIPS requirement mentioned in section
339    /// **D.Q Transition of the TLS 1.2 KDF to Support the Extended Master
340    /// Secret** from [FIPS 140-3 IG.pdf].
341    ///
342    /// [RFC 7627]:
343    /// [FIPS 140-3 IG.pdf]:
344    #[cfg(feature = "tls12")]
345    pub require_ems: bool,
347    /// Provides the current system time
348    pub time_provider: Arc<dyn TimeProvider>,
350    /// How to compress the server's certificate chain.
351    ///
352    /// If a client supports this extension, and advertises support
353    /// for one of the compression algorithms included here, the
354    /// server certificate will be compressed according to [RFC8779].
355    ///
356    /// This only applies to TLS1.3 connections.  It is ignored for
357    /// TLS1.2 connections.
358    ///
359    /// [RFC8779]:
360    pub cert_compressors: Vec<&'static dyn compress::CertCompressor>,
362    /// Caching for compressed certificates.
363    ///
364    /// This is optional: [`compress::CompressionCache::Disabled`] gives
365    /// a cache that does no caching.
366    pub cert_compression_cache: Arc<compress::CompressionCache>,
368    /// How to decompress the clients's certificate chain.
369    ///
370    /// If this is non-empty, the [RFC8779] certificate compression
371    /// extension is offered when requesting client authentication,
372    /// and any compressed certificates are transparently decompressed
373    /// during the handshake.
374    ///
375    /// This only applies to TLS1.3 connections.  It is ignored for
376    /// TLS1.2 connections.
377    ///
378    /// [RFC8779]:
379    pub cert_decompressors: Vec<&'static dyn compress::CertDecompressor>,
382impl ServerConfig {
383    /// Create a builder for a server configuration with
384    /// [the process-default `CryptoProvider`][CryptoProvider#using-the-per-process-default-cryptoprovider]
385    /// and safe protocol version defaults.
386    ///
387    /// For more information, see the [`ConfigBuilder`] documentation.
388    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
389    pub fn builder() -> ConfigBuilder<Self, WantsVerifier> {
390        Self::builder_with_protocol_versions(versions::DEFAULT_VERSIONS)
391    }
393    /// Create a builder for a server configuration with
394    /// [the process-default `CryptoProvider`][CryptoProvider#using-the-per-process-default-cryptoprovider]
395    /// and the provided protocol versions.
396    ///
397    /// Panics if
398    /// - the supported versions are not compatible with the provider (eg.
399    ///   the combination of ciphersuites supported by the provider and supported
400    ///   versions lead to zero cipher suites being usable),
401    /// - if a `CryptoProvider` cannot be resolved using a combination of
402    ///   the crate features and process default.
403    ///
404    /// For more information, see the [`ConfigBuilder`] documentation.
405    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
406    pub fn builder_with_protocol_versions(
407        versions: &[&'static versions::SupportedProtocolVersion],
408    ) -> ConfigBuilder<Self, WantsVerifier> {
409        // Safety assumptions:
410        // 1. that the provider has been installed (explicitly or implicitly)
411        // 2. that the process-level default provider is usable with the supplied protocol versions.
412        Self::builder_with_provider(Arc::clone(
413            CryptoProvider::get_default_or_install_from_crate_features(),
414        ))
415        .with_protocol_versions(versions)
416        .unwrap()
417    }
419    /// Create a builder for a server configuration with a specific [`CryptoProvider`].
420    ///
421    /// This will use the provider's configured ciphersuites. You must additionally choose
422    /// which protocol versions to enable, using `with_protocol_versions` or
423    /// `with_safe_default_protocol_versions` and handling the `Result` in case a protocol
424    /// version is not supported by the provider's ciphersuites.
425    ///
426    /// For more information, see the [`ConfigBuilder`] documentation.
427    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
428    pub fn builder_with_provider(
429        provider: Arc<CryptoProvider>,
430    ) -> ConfigBuilder<Self, WantsVersions> {
431        ConfigBuilder {
432            state: WantsVersions {},
433            provider,
434            time_provider: Arc::new(DefaultTimeProvider),
435            side: PhantomData,
436        }
437    }
439    /// Create a builder for a server configuration with no default implementation details.
440    ///
441    /// This API must be used by `no_std` users.
442    ///
443    /// You must provide a specific [`TimeProvider`].
444    ///
445    /// You must provide a specific [`CryptoProvider`].
446    ///
447    /// This will use the provider's configured ciphersuites. You must additionally choose
448    /// which protocol versions to enable, using `with_protocol_versions` or
449    /// `with_safe_default_protocol_versions` and handling the `Result` in case a protocol
450    /// version is not supported by the provider's ciphersuites.
451    ///
452    /// For more information, see the [`ConfigBuilder`] documentation.
453    pub fn builder_with_details(
454        provider: Arc<CryptoProvider>,
455        time_provider: Arc<dyn TimeProvider>,
456    ) -> ConfigBuilder<Self, WantsVersions> {
457        ConfigBuilder {
458            state: WantsVersions {},
459            provider,
460            time_provider,
461            side: PhantomData,
462        }
463    }
465    /// Return `true` if connections made with this `ServerConfig` will
466    /// operate in FIPS mode.
467    ///
468    /// This is different from [`CryptoProvider::fips()`]: [`CryptoProvider::fips()`]
469    /// is concerned only with cryptography, whereas this _also_ covers TLS-level
470    /// configuration that NIST recommends.
471    pub fn fips(&self) -> bool {
472        #[cfg(feature = "tls12")]
473        {
474            self.provider.fips() && self.require_ems
475        }
477        #[cfg(not(feature = "tls12"))]
478        {
479            self.provider.fips()
480        }
481    }
483    /// Return the crypto provider used to construct this client configuration.
484    pub fn crypto_provider(&self) -> &Arc<CryptoProvider> {
485        &self.provider
486    }
488    /// We support a given TLS version if it's quoted in the configured
489    /// versions *and* at least one ciphersuite for this version is
490    /// also configured.
491    pub(crate) fn supports_version(&self, v: ProtocolVersion) -> bool {
492        self.versions.contains(v)
493            && self
494                .provider
495                .cipher_suites
496                .iter()
497                .any(|cs| cs.version().version == v)
498    }
500    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
501    pub(crate) fn supports_protocol(&self, proto: Protocol) -> bool {
502        self.provider
503            .cipher_suites
504            .iter()
505            .any(|cs| cs.usable_for_protocol(proto))
506    }
508    pub(super) fn current_time(&self) -> Result<UnixTime, Error> {
509        self.time_provider
510            .current_time()
511            .ok_or(Error::FailedToGetCurrentTime)
512    }
515#[cfg(feature = "std")]
516mod connection {
517    use alloc::boxed::Box;
518    use alloc::sync::Arc;
519    use alloc::vec::Vec;
520    use core::fmt;
521    use core::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};
522    use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
523    use std::io;
525    use super::{Accepted, Accepting, EarlyDataState, ServerConfig, ServerConnectionData};
526    use crate::common_state::{CommonState, Context, Side};
527    use crate::conn::{ConnectionCommon, ConnectionCore};
528    use crate::error::Error;
529    use crate::server::hs;
530    use crate::suites::ExtractedSecrets;
531    use crate::vecbuf::ChunkVecBuffer;
533    /// Allows reading of early data in resumed TLS1.3 connections.
534    ///
535    /// "Early data" is also known as "0-RTT data".
536    ///
537    /// This structure implements [`std::io::Read`].
538    pub struct ReadEarlyData<'a> {
539        early_data: &'a mut EarlyDataState,
540    }
542    impl<'a> ReadEarlyData<'a> {
543        fn new(early_data: &'a mut EarlyDataState) -> Self {
544            ReadEarlyData { early_data }
545        }
546    }
548    impl io::Read for ReadEarlyData<'_> {
549        fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
551        }
553        #[cfg(read_buf)]
554        fn read_buf(&mut self, cursor: core::io::BorrowedCursor<'_>) -> io::Result<()> {
555            self.early_data.read_buf(cursor)
556        }
557    }
559    /// This represents a single TLS server connection.
560    ///
561    /// Send TLS-protected data to the peer using the `io::Write` trait implementation.
562    /// Read data from the peer using the `io::Read` trait implementation.
563    pub struct ServerConnection {
564        pub(super) inner: ConnectionCommon<ServerConnectionData>,
565    }
567    impl ServerConnection {
568        /// Make a new ServerConnection.  `config` controls how
569        /// we behave in the TLS protocol.
570        pub fn new(config: Arc<ServerConfig>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
571            Ok(Self {
572                inner: ConnectionCommon::from(ConnectionCore::for_server(config, Vec::new())?),
573            })
574        }
576        /// Retrieves the server name, if any, used to select the certificate and
577        /// private key.
578        ///
579        /// This returns `None` until some time after the client's server name indication
580        /// (SNI) extension value is processed during the handshake. It will never be
581        /// `None` when the connection is ready to send or process application data,
582        /// unless the client does not support SNI.
583        ///
584        /// This is useful for application protocols that need to enforce that the
585        /// server name matches an application layer protocol hostname. For
586        /// example, HTTP/1.1 servers commonly expect the `Host:` header field of
587        /// every request on a connection to match the hostname in the SNI extension
588        /// when the client provides the SNI extension.
589        ///
590        /// The server name is also used to match sessions during session resumption.
591        pub fn server_name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
592            self.inner.core.get_sni_str()
593        }
595        /// Application-controlled portion of the resumption ticket supplied by the client, if any.
596        ///
597        /// Recovered from the prior session's `set_resumption_data`. Integrity is guaranteed by rustls.
598        ///
599        /// Returns `Some` if and only if a valid resumption ticket has been received from the client.
600        pub fn received_resumption_data(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
601            self.inner
602                .core
603                .data
604                .received_resumption_data
605                .as_ref()
606                .map(|x| &x[..])
607        }
609        /// Set the resumption data to embed in future resumption tickets supplied to the client.
610        ///
611        /// Defaults to the empty byte string. Must be less than 2^15 bytes to allow room for other
612        /// data. Should be called while `is_handshaking` returns true to ensure all transmitted
613        /// resumption tickets are affected.
614        ///
615        /// Integrity will be assured by rustls, but the data will be visible to the client. If secrecy
616        /// from the client is desired, encrypt the data separately.
617        pub fn set_resumption_data(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
618            assert!(data.len() < 2usize.pow(15));
619   = data.into();
620        }
622        /// Explicitly discard early data, notifying the client
623        ///
624        /// Useful if invariants encoded in `received_resumption_data()` cannot be respected.
625        ///
626        /// Must be called while `is_handshaking` is true.
627        pub fn reject_early_data(&mut self) {
628            self.inner.core.reject_early_data()
629        }
631        /// Returns an `io::Read` implementer you can read bytes from that are
632        /// received from a client as TLS1.3 0RTT/"early" data, during the handshake.
633        ///
634        /// This returns `None` in many circumstances, such as :
635        ///
636        /// - Early data is disabled if [`ServerConfig::max_early_data_size`] is zero (the default).
637        /// - The session negotiated with the client is not TLS1.3.
638        /// - The client just doesn't support early data.
639        /// - The connection doesn't resume an existing session.
640        /// - The client hasn't sent a full ClientHello yet.
641        pub fn early_data(&mut self) -> Option<ReadEarlyData<'_>> {
642            let data = &mut;
643            if data.early_data.was_accepted() {
644                Some(ReadEarlyData::new(&mut data.early_data))
645            } else {
646                None
647            }
648        }
650        /// Return true if the connection was made with a `ServerConfig` that is FIPS compatible.
651        ///
652        /// This is different from [`crate::crypto::CryptoProvider::fips()`]:
653        /// it is concerned only with cryptography, whereas this _also_ covers TLS-level
654        /// configuration that NIST recommends, as well as ECH HPKE suites if applicable.
655        pub fn fips(&self) -> bool {
656            self.inner.core.common_state.fips
657        }
659        /// Extract secrets, so they can be used when configuring kTLS, for example.
660        /// Should be used with care as it exposes secret key material.
661        pub fn dangerous_extract_secrets(self) -> Result<ExtractedSecrets, Error> {
662            self.inner.dangerous_extract_secrets()
663        }
664    }
666    impl Debug for ServerConnection {
667        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
668            f.debug_struct("ServerConnection")
669                .finish()
670        }
671    }
673    impl Deref for ServerConnection {
674        type Target = ConnectionCommon<ServerConnectionData>;
676        fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
677            &self.inner
678        }
679    }
681    impl DerefMut for ServerConnection {
682        fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
683            &mut self.inner
684        }
685    }
687    impl From<ServerConnection> for crate::Connection {
688        fn from(conn: ServerConnection) -> Self {
689            Self::Server(conn)
690        }
691    }
693    /// Handle a server-side connection before configuration is available.
694    ///
695    /// `Acceptor` allows the caller to choose a [`ServerConfig`] after reading
696    /// the [`super::ClientHello`] of an incoming connection. This is useful for servers
697    /// that choose different certificates or cipher suites based on the
698    /// characteristics of the `ClientHello`. In particular it is useful for
699    /// servers that need to do some I/O to load a certificate and its private key
700    /// and don't want to use the blocking interface provided by
701    /// [`super::ResolvesServerCert`].
702    ///
703    /// Create an Acceptor with [`Acceptor::default()`].
704    ///
705    /// # Example
706    ///
707    /// ```no_run
708    /// # #[cfg(feature = "aws_lc_rs")] {
709    /// # fn choose_server_config(
710    /// #     _: rustls::server::ClientHello,
711    /// # ) -> std::sync::Arc<rustls::ServerConfig> {
712    /// #     unimplemented!();
713    /// # }
714    /// # #[allow(unused_variables)]
715    /// # fn main() {
716    /// use rustls::server::{Acceptor, ServerConfig};
717    /// let listener = std::net::TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();
718    /// for stream in listener.incoming() {
719    ///     let mut stream = stream.unwrap();
720    ///     let mut acceptor = Acceptor::default();
721    ///     let accepted = loop {
722    ///         acceptor.read_tls(&mut stream).unwrap();
723    ///         if let Some(accepted) = acceptor.accept().unwrap() {
724    ///             break accepted;
725    ///         }
726    ///     };
727    ///
728    ///     // For some user-defined choose_server_config:
729    ///     let config = choose_server_config(accepted.client_hello());
730    ///     let conn = accepted
731    ///         .into_connection(config)
732    ///         .unwrap();
733    ///
734    ///     // Proceed with handling the ServerConnection.
735    /// }
736    /// # }
737    /// # }
738    /// ```
739    pub struct Acceptor {
740        inner: Option<ConnectionCommon<ServerConnectionData>>,
741    }
743    impl Default for Acceptor {
744        /// Return an empty Acceptor, ready to receive bytes from a new client connection.
745        fn default() -> Self {
746            Self {
747                inner: Some(
748                    ConnectionCore::new(
749                        Box::new(Accepting),
750                        ServerConnectionData::default(),
751                        CommonState::new(Side::Server),
752                    )
753                    .into(),
754                ),
755            }
756        }
757    }
759    impl Acceptor {
760        /// Read TLS content from `rd`.
761        ///
762        /// Returns an error if this `Acceptor` has already yielded an [`Accepted`]. For more details,
763        /// refer to [`Connection::read_tls()`].
764        ///
765        /// [`Connection::read_tls()`]: crate::Connection::read_tls
766        pub fn read_tls(&mut self, rd: &mut dyn io::Read) -> Result<usize, io::Error> {
767            match &mut self.inner {
768                Some(conn) => conn.read_tls(rd),
769                None => Err(io::Error::new(
770                    io::ErrorKind::Other,
771                    "acceptor cannot read after successful acceptance",
772                )),
773            }
774        }
776        /// Check if a `ClientHello` message has been received.
777        ///
778        /// Returns `Ok(None)` if the complete `ClientHello` has not yet been received.
779        /// Do more I/O and then call this function again.
780        ///
781        /// Returns `Ok(Some(accepted))` if the connection has been accepted. Call
782        /// `accepted.into_connection()` to continue. Do not call this function again.
783        ///
784        /// Returns `Err((err, alert))` if an error occurred. If an alert is returned, the
785        /// application should call `alert.write()` to send the alert to the client. It should
786        /// not call `accept()` again.
787        pub fn accept(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Accepted>, (Error, AcceptedAlert)> {
788            let Some(mut connection) = self.inner.take() else {
789                return Err((
790                    Error::General("Acceptor polled after completion".into()),
791                    AcceptedAlert::empty(),
792                ));
793            };
795            let message = match connection.first_handshake_message() {
796                Ok(Some(msg)) => msg,
797                Ok(None) => {
798                    self.inner = Some(connection);
799                    return Ok(None);
800                }
801                Err(err) => return Err((err, AcceptedAlert::from(connection))),
802            };
804            let mut cx = Context::from(&mut connection);
805            let sig_schemes = match hs::process_client_hello(&message, false, &mut cx) {
806                Ok((_, sig_schemes)) => sig_schemes,
807                Err(err) => {
808                    return Err((err, AcceptedAlert::from(connection)));
809                }
810            };
812            Ok(Some(Accepted {
813                connection,
814                message,
815                sig_schemes,
816            }))
817        }
818    }
820    /// Represents a TLS alert resulting from handling the client's `ClientHello` message.
821    ///
822    /// When [`Acceptor::accept()`] returns an error, it yields an `AcceptedAlert` such that the
823    /// application can communicate failure to the client via [`AcceptedAlert::write()`].
824    pub struct AcceptedAlert(ChunkVecBuffer);
826    impl AcceptedAlert {
827        pub(super) fn empty() -> Self {
828            Self(ChunkVecBuffer::new(None))
829        }
831        /// Send the alert to the client.
832        ///
833        /// To account for short writes this function should be called repeatedly until it
834        /// returns `Ok(0)` or an error.
835        pub fn write(&mut self, wr: &mut dyn io::Write) -> Result<usize, io::Error> {
836            self.0.write_to(wr)
837        }
839        /// Send the alert to the client.
840        ///
841        /// This function will invoke the writer until the buffer is empty.
842        pub fn write_all(&mut self, wr: &mut dyn io::Write) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
843            while self.write(wr)? != 0 {}
844            Ok(())
845        }
846    }
848    impl From<ConnectionCommon<ServerConnectionData>> for AcceptedAlert {
849        fn from(conn: ConnectionCommon<ServerConnectionData>) -> Self {
850            Self(conn.core.common_state.sendable_tls)
851        }
852    }
854    impl Debug for AcceptedAlert {
855        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
856            f.debug_struct("AcceptedAlert").finish()
857        }
858    }
861#[cfg(feature = "std")]
862pub use connection::{AcceptedAlert, Acceptor, ReadEarlyData, ServerConnection};
864/// Unbuffered version of `ServerConnection`
866/// See the [`crate::unbuffered`] module docs for more details
867pub struct UnbufferedServerConnection {
868    inner: UnbufferedConnectionCommon<ServerConnectionData>,
871impl UnbufferedServerConnection {
872    /// Make a new ServerConnection. `config` controls how we behave in the TLS protocol.
873    pub fn new(config: Arc<ServerConfig>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
874        Ok(Self {
875            inner: UnbufferedConnectionCommon::from(ConnectionCore::for_server(
876                config,
877                Vec::new(),
878            )?),
879        })
880    }
883impl Deref for UnbufferedServerConnection {
884    type Target = UnbufferedConnectionCommon<ServerConnectionData>;
886    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
887        &self.inner
888    }
891impl DerefMut for UnbufferedServerConnection {
892    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
893        &mut self.inner
894    }
897impl UnbufferedConnectionCommon<ServerConnectionData> {
898    pub(crate) fn pop_early_data(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
900    }
903/// Represents a `ClientHello` message received through the [`Acceptor`].
905/// Contains the state required to resume the connection through [`Accepted::into_connection()`].
906pub struct Accepted {
907    connection: ConnectionCommon<ServerConnectionData>,
908    message: Message<'static>,
909    sig_schemes: Vec<SignatureScheme>,
912impl Accepted {
913    /// Get the [`ClientHello`] for this connection.
914    pub fn client_hello(&self) -> ClientHello<'_> {
915        let payload = Self::client_hello_payload(&self.message);
916        let ch = ClientHello {
917            server_name: &,
918            signature_schemes: &self.sig_schemes,
919            alpn: payload.alpn_extension(),
920            server_cert_types: payload.server_certificate_extension(),
921            client_cert_types: payload.client_certificate_extension(),
922            cipher_suites: &payload.cipher_suites,
923        };
925        trace!("Accepted::client_hello(): {ch:#?}");
926        ch
927    }
929    /// Convert the [`Accepted`] into a [`ServerConnection`].
930    ///
931    /// Takes the state returned from [`Acceptor::accept()`] as well as the [`ServerConfig`] and
932    /// [`sign::CertifiedKey`] that should be used for the session. Returns an error if
933    /// configuration-dependent validation of the received `ClientHello` message fails.
934    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
935    pub fn into_connection(
936        mut self,
937        config: Arc<ServerConfig>,
938    ) -> Result<ServerConnection, (Error, AcceptedAlert)> {
939        if let Err(err) = self
940            .connection
941            .set_max_fragment_size(config.max_fragment_size)
942        {
943            // We have a connection here, but it won't contain an alert since the error
944            // is with the fragment size configured in the `ServerConfig`.
945            return Err((err, AcceptedAlert::empty()));
946        }
948        self.connection.enable_secret_extraction = config.enable_secret_extraction;
950        let state = hs::ExpectClientHello::new(config, Vec::new());
951        let mut cx = hs::ServerContext::from(&mut self.connection);
953        let ch = Self::client_hello_payload(&self.message);
954        let new = match state.with_certified_key(self.sig_schemes, ch, &self.message, &mut cx) {
955            Ok(new) => new,
956            Err(err) => return Err((err, AcceptedAlert::from(self.connection))),
957        };
959        self.connection.replace_state(new);
960        Ok(ServerConnection {
961            inner: self.connection,
962        })
963    }
965    fn client_hello_payload<'a>(message: &'a Message<'_>) -> &'a ClientHelloPayload {
966        match &message.payload {
967            crate::msgs::message::MessagePayload::Handshake { parsed, .. } => match &parsed.payload
968            {
969                crate::msgs::handshake::HandshakePayload::ClientHello(ch) => ch,
970                _ => unreachable!(),
971            },
972            _ => unreachable!(),
973        }
974    }
977impl Debug for Accepted {
978    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
979        f.debug_struct("Accepted").finish()
980    }
983#[cfg(feature = "std")]
984struct Accepting;
986#[cfg(feature = "std")]
987impl State<ServerConnectionData> for Accepting {
988    fn handle<'m>(
989        self: Box<Self>,
990        _cx: &mut hs::ServerContext<'_>,
991        _m: Message<'m>,
992    ) -> Result<Box<dyn State<ServerConnectionData> + 'm>, Error>
993    where
994        Self: 'm,
995    {
996        Err(Error::General("unreachable state".into()))
997    }
999    fn into_owned(self: Box<Self>) -> hs::NextState<'static> {
1000        self
1001    }
1004pub(super) enum EarlyDataState {
1005    New,
1006    Accepted {
1007        received: ChunkVecBuffer,
1008        left: usize,
1009    },
1010    Rejected,
1013impl Default for EarlyDataState {
1014    fn default() -> Self {
1015        Self::New
1016    }
1019impl EarlyDataState {
1020    pub(super) fn reject(&mut self) {
1021        *self = Self::Rejected;
1022    }
1024    pub(super) fn accept(&mut self, max_size: usize) {
1025        *self = Self::Accepted {
1026            received: ChunkVecBuffer::new(Some(max_size)),
1027            left: max_size,
1028        };
1029    }
1031    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
1032    fn was_accepted(&self) -> bool {
1033        matches!(self, Self::Accepted { .. })
1034    }
1036    pub(super) fn was_rejected(&self) -> bool {
1037        matches!(self, Self::Rejected)
1038    }
1040    fn pop(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
1041        match self {
1042            Self::Accepted {
1043                ref mut received, ..
1044            } => received.pop(),
1045            _ => None,
1046        }
1047    }
1049    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
1050    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
1051        match self {
1052            Self::Accepted {
1053                ref mut received, ..
1054            } =>,
1055            _ => Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe)),
1056        }
1057    }
1059    #[cfg(read_buf)]
1060    fn read_buf(&mut self, cursor: core::io::BorrowedCursor<'_>) -> io::Result<()> {
1061        match self {
1062            Self::Accepted {
1063                ref mut received, ..
1064            } => received.read_buf(cursor),
1065            _ => Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe)),
1066        }
1067    }
1069    pub(super) fn take_received_plaintext(&mut self, bytes: Payload<'_>) -> bool {
1070        let available = bytes.bytes().len();
1071        match self {
1072            Self::Accepted {
1073                ref mut received,
1074                ref mut left,
1075            } if received.apply_limit(available) == available && available <= *left => {
1076                received.append(bytes.into_vec());
1077                *left -= available;
1078                true
1079            }
1080            _ => false,
1081        }
1082    }
1085impl Debug for EarlyDataState {
1086    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
1087        match self {
1088            Self::New => write!(f, "EarlyDataState::New"),
1089            Self::Accepted { received, left } => write!(
1090                f,
1091                "EarlyDataState::Accepted {{ received: {}, left: {} }}",
1092                received.len(),
1093                left
1094            ),
1095            Self::Rejected => write!(f, "EarlyDataState::Rejected"),
1096        }
1097    }
1100impl ConnectionCore<ServerConnectionData> {
1101    pub(crate) fn for_server(
1102        config: Arc<ServerConfig>,
1103        extra_exts: Vec<ServerExtension>,
1104    ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
1105        let mut common = CommonState::new(Side::Server);
1106        common.set_max_fragment_size(config.max_fragment_size)?;
1107        common.enable_secret_extraction = config.enable_secret_extraction;
1108        common.fips = config.fips();
1109        Ok(Self::new(
1110            Box::new(hs::ExpectClientHello::new(config, extra_exts)),
1111            ServerConnectionData::default(),
1112            common,
1113        ))
1114    }
1116    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
1117    pub(crate) fn reject_early_data(&mut self) {
1118        assert!(
1119            self.common_state.is_handshaking(),
1120            "cannot retroactively reject early data"
1121        );
1123    }
1125    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
1126    pub(crate) fn get_sni_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {
1128    }
1131/// State associated with a server connection.
1132#[derive(Default, Debug)]
1133pub struct ServerConnectionData {
1134    pub(super) sni: Option<DnsName<'static>>,
1135    pub(super) received_resumption_data: Option<Vec<u8>>,
1136    pub(super) resumption_data: Vec<u8>,
1137    pub(super) early_data: EarlyDataState,
1140impl ServerConnectionData {
1141    #[cfg(feature = "std")]
1142    pub(super) fn get_sni_str(&self) -> Option<&str> {
1143        self.sni.as_ref().map(AsRef::as_ref)
1144    }
1147impl crate::conn::SideData for ServerConnectionData {}
1149#[cfg(feature = "std")]
1151mod tests {
1152    use std::format;
1154    use super::*;
1156    // these branches not reachable externally, unless something else goes wrong.
1157    #[test]
1158    fn test_read_in_new_state() {
1159        assert_eq!(
1160            format!("{:?}", EarlyDataState::default().read(&mut [0u8; 5])),
1161            "Err(Kind(BrokenPipe))"
1162        );
1163    }
1165    #[cfg(read_buf)]
1166    #[test]
1167    fn test_read_buf_in_new_state() {
1168        use core::io::BorrowedBuf;
1170        let mut buf = [0u8; 5];
1171        let mut buf: BorrowedBuf<'_> = buf.as_mut_slice().into();
1172        assert_eq!(
1173            format!("{:?}", EarlyDataState::default().read_buf(buf.unfilled())),
1174            "Err(Kind(BrokenPipe))"
1175        );
1176    }