1//! A hybrid strategy.
3//! This is based on debts ‒ an Arc may owe a reference, but it is marked in the debt. It is either
4//! put back (by stopping using it), or if the pointer is replaced, the writer bumps the reference
5//! count and removes the debt.
7//! The strategy uses two different slots for the debts. The first ones are faster, but fallible.
8//! If they fail (either because there's interference from a writer at the same time, or because
9//! they are full), the secondary one that is slower, but always succeeds, is used. In the latter
10//! case, the reference is bumped and this secondary debt slot is released, so it is available for
11//! further loads.
13//! See the [crate::debt] module for the actual slot manipulation. Here we just wrap them into the
14//! strategy.
16use core::borrow::Borrow;
17use core::mem::{self, ManuallyDrop};
18use core::ops::Deref;
19use core::ptr;
20use core::sync::atomic::AtomicPtr;
21use core::sync::atomic::Ordering::*;
23use super::sealed::{CaS, InnerStrategy, Protected};
24use crate::debt::{Debt, LocalNode};
25use crate::ref_cnt::RefCnt;
27pub struct HybridProtection<T: RefCnt> {
28 debt: Option<&'static Debt>,
29 ptr: ManuallyDrop<T>,
32impl<T: RefCnt> HybridProtection<T> {
33 pub(super) unsafe fn new(ptr: *const T::Base, debt: Option<&'static Debt>) -> Self {
34 Self {
35 debt,
36 ptr: ManuallyDrop::new(T::from_ptr(ptr)),
37 }
38 }
40 /// Try getting a dept into a fast slot.
41 #[inline]
42 fn attempt(node: &LocalNode, storage: &AtomicPtr<T::Base>) -> Option<Self> {
43 // Relaxed is good enough here, see the Acquire below
44 let ptr = storage.load(Relaxed);
45 // Try to get a debt slot. If not possible, fail.
46 let debt = node.new_fast(ptr as usize)?;
48 // Acquire to get the data.
49 //
50 // SeqCst to make sure the storage vs. the debt are well ordered.
51 let confirm = storage.load(SeqCst);
52 if ptr == confirm {
53 // Successfully got a debt
54 Some(unsafe { Self::new(ptr, Some(debt)) })
55 } else if<T>(ptr) {
56 // It changed in the meantime, we return the debt (that is on the outdated pointer,
57 // possibly destroyed) and fail.
58 None
59 } else {
60 // It changed in the meantime, but the debt for the previous pointer was already paid
61 // for by someone else, so we are fine using it.
62 Some(unsafe { Self::new(ptr, None) })
63 }
64 }
66 /// Get a debt slot using the slower but always successful mechanism.
67 fn fallback(node: &LocalNode, storage: &AtomicPtr<T::Base>) -> Self {
68 // First, we claim a debt slot and store the address of the atomic pointer there, so the
69 // writer can optionally help us out with loading and protecting something.
70 let gen = node.new_helping(storage as *const _ as usize);
71 // We already synchronized the start of the sequence by SeqCst in the new_helping vs swap on
72 // the pointer. We just need to make sure to bring the pointee in (this can be newer than
73 // what we got in the Debt)
74 let candidate = storage.load(Acquire);
76 // Try to replace the debt with our candidate. If it works, we get the debt slot to use. If
77 // not, we get a replacement value, already protected and a debt to take care of.
78 match node.confirm_helping(gen, candidate as usize) {
79 Ok(debt) => {
80 // The fast path -> we got the debt confirmed alright.
81 Self::from_inner(unsafe { Self::new(candidate, Some(debt)).into_inner() })
82 }
83 Err((unused_debt, replacement)) => {
84 // The debt is on the candidate we provided and it is unused, we so we just pay it
85 // back right away.
86 if !<T>(candidate) {
87 unsafe { T::dec(candidate) };
88 }
89 // We got a (possibly) different pointer out. But that one is already protected and
90 // the slot is paid back.
91 unsafe { Self::new(replacement as *mut _, None) }
92 }
93 }
94 }
96 #[inline]
97 fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const T::Base {
98 T::as_ptr(self.ptr.deref())
99 }
102impl<T: RefCnt> Drop for HybridProtection<T> {
103 #[inline]
104 fn drop(&mut self) {
105 match self.debt.take() {
106 // We have our own copy of Arc, so we don't need a protection. Do nothing (but release
107 // the Arc below).
108 None => (),
109 // If we owed something, just return the debt. We don't have a pointer owned, so
110 // nothing to release.
111 Some(debt) => {
112 let ptr = T::as_ptr(&self.ptr);
113 if<T>(ptr) {
114 return;
115 }
116 // But if the debt was already paid for us, we need to release the pointer, as we
117 // were effectively already in the Unprotected mode.
118 }
119 }
120 // Equivalent to T::dec(ptr)
121 unsafe { ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut self.ptr) };
122 }
125impl<T: RefCnt> Protected<T> for HybridProtection<T> {
126 #[inline]
127 fn from_inner(ptr: T) -> Self {
128 Self {
129 debt: None,
130 ptr: ManuallyDrop::new(ptr),
131 }
132 }
134 #[inline]
135 fn into_inner(mut self) -> T {
136 // Drop any debt and release any lock held by the given guard and return a
137 // full-featured value that even can outlive the ArcSwap it originated from.
138 match self.debt.take() {
139 None => (), // We have a fully loaded ref-counted pointer.
140 Some(debt) => {
141 let ptr = T::inc(&self.ptr);
142 if !<T>(ptr) {
143 unsafe { T::dec(ptr) };
144 }
145 }
146 }
148 // The ptr::read & forget is something like a cheating move. We can't move it out, because
149 // we have a destructor and Rust doesn't allow us to do that.
150 let inner = unsafe { ptr::read(self.ptr.deref()) };
151 mem::forget(self);
152 inner
153 }
156impl<T: RefCnt> Borrow<T> for HybridProtection<T> {
157 #[inline]
158 fn borrow(&self) -> &T {
159 &self.ptr
160 }
163pub trait Config {
164 // Mostly for testing, way to disable the fast slo
165 const USE_FAST: bool;
168#[derive(Clone, Default)]
169pub struct DefaultConfig;
171impl Config for DefaultConfig {
172 const USE_FAST: bool = true;
175#[derive(Clone, Default)]
176pub struct HybridStrategy<Cfg> {
177 pub(crate) _config: Cfg,
180impl<T, Cfg> InnerStrategy<T> for HybridStrategy<Cfg>
182 T: RefCnt,
183 Cfg: Config,
185 type Protected = HybridProtection<T>;
186 unsafe fn load(&self, storage: &AtomicPtr<T::Base>) -> Self::Protected {
187 LocalNode::with(|node| {
188 let fast = if Cfg::USE_FAST {
189 HybridProtection::attempt(node, storage)
190 } else {
191 None
192 };
193 fast.unwrap_or_else(|| HybridProtection::fallback(node, storage))
194 })
195 }
196 unsafe fn wait_for_readers(&self, old: *const T::Base, storage: &AtomicPtr<T::Base>) {
197 // The pay_all may need to provide fresh replacement values if someone else is loading from
198 // this particular storage. We do so by the exact same way, by `load` ‒ it's OK, a writer
199 // does not hold a slot and the reader doesn't recurse back into writer, so we won't run
200 // out of slots.
201 let replacement = || self.load(storage).into_inner();
202 Debt::pay_all::<T, _>(old, storage as *const _ as usize, replacement);
203 }
206impl<T: RefCnt, Cfg: Config> CaS<T> for HybridStrategy<Cfg> {
207 unsafe fn compare_and_swap<C: crate::as_raw::AsRaw<T::Base>>(
208 &self,
209 storage: &AtomicPtr<T::Base>,
210 current: C,
211 new: T,
212 ) -> Self::Protected {
213 loop {
214 let old = <Self as InnerStrategy<T>>::load(self, storage);
215 // Observation of their inequality is enough to make a verdict
216 if old.as_ptr() != current.as_raw() {
217 return old;
218 }
219 // If they are still equal, put the new one in.
220 let new_raw = T::as_ptr(&new);
221 if storage
222 .compare_exchange_weak(current.as_raw(), new_raw, SeqCst, Relaxed)
223 .is_ok()
224 {
225 // We successfully put the new value in. The ref count went in there too.
226 T::into_ptr(new);
227 <Self as InnerStrategy<T>>::wait_for_readers(self, old.as_ptr(), storage);
228 // We just got one ref count out of the storage and we have one in old. We don't
229 // need two.
230 T::dec(old.as_ptr());
231 return old;
232 }
233 }
234 }