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use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use futures::channel::oneshot;
use rayon::ThreadPool;
use tower::Service;
use cuprate_database::{ConcreteEnv, DbResult, RuntimeError};
use cuprate_helper::asynch::InfallibleOneshotReceiver;
/// The [`rayon::ThreadPool`] service.
/// Uses an inner request handler and a rayon thread-pool to asynchronously handle requests.
/// - `Req` is the request type
/// - `Res` is the response type
pub struct DatabaseReadService<Req, Res> {
/// Handle to the custom `rayon` DB reader thread-pool.
/// Requests are [`rayon::ThreadPool::spawn`]ed in this thread-pool,
/// and responses are returned via a channel we (the caller) provide.
pool: Arc<ThreadPool>,
/// The function used to handle request.
inner_handler: Arc<dyn Fn(Req) -> DbResult<Res> + Send + Sync + 'static>,
// Deriving [`Clone`] means `Req` & `Res` need to be `Clone`, even if they aren't.
impl<Req, Res> Clone for DatabaseReadService<Req, Res> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
pool: Arc::clone(&self.pool),
inner_handler: Arc::clone(&self.inner_handler),
impl<Req, Res> DatabaseReadService<Req, Res>
Req: Send + 'static,
Res: Send + 'static,
/// Creates the [`DatabaseReadService`] with the provided backing thread-pool.
/// Should be called _once_ per actual database, although nothing bad will happen, cloning the [`DatabaseReadService`]
/// is the correct way to get multiple handles to the database.
#[inline(never)] // Only called once.
pub fn new(
env: Arc<ConcreteEnv>,
pool: Arc<ThreadPool>,
req_handler: impl Fn(&ConcreteEnv, Req) -> DbResult<Res> + Send + Sync + 'static,
) -> Self {
let inner_handler = Arc::new(move |req| req_handler(&env, req));
Self {
impl<Req, Res> Service<Req> for DatabaseReadService<Req, Res>
Req: Send + 'static,
Res: Send + 'static,
type Response = Res;
type Error = RuntimeError;
type Future = InfallibleOneshotReceiver<DbResult<Self::Response>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, _: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<DbResult<()>> {
fn call(&mut self, req: Req) -> Self::Future {
// Response channel we `.await` on.
let (response_sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
let handler = Arc::clone(&self.inner_handler);
// Spawn the request in the rayon DB thread-pool.
// Note that this uses `self.pool` instead of `rayon::spawn`
// such that any `rayon` parallel code that runs within
// the passed closure uses the same `rayon` threadpool.
self.pool.spawn(move || {