macro_rules! iter_eval {
() => {
$crate::__::compile_error!{ "`eval` expects an iterator argument" }
($iter:expr $(, $($rem:tt)*)?) => {
(item, 'zxe7hgbnjs, consumer,)
$iter, $($($rem)*)?
macro_rules! __iter_eval {
($fixed:tt () $item:ident for_each($($closure:tt)*), $(,)* ) => {
($fixed $item,)
($fixed:tt $vars:tt $item:ident any($($closure:tt)*), $(,)* ) => {
($fixed $vars $item,)
($fixed:tt $vars:tt $item:ident all($($closure:tt)*), $(,)* ) => {
($fixed $vars $item,)
($fixed:tt ($var:ident) $item:ident count($($args:tt)*), $(,)* ) => ({
$crate::__cim_error_on_args!{count ($($args)*)}
{ $var += 1; }
$(position $(@$position:tt)?)? $(rposition $(@$rposition:tt)?)? ($($closure:tt)*), $(,)*
) => {
($fixed $vars $item,)
($(position $(@$position)?)? $(rposition $(@$rposition)?)?),
($fixed:tt $vars:tt $item:ident find_map ($($closure:tt)*), $(,)* ) => {
($fixed $vars $item,)
$(find $(@$find:tt)?)? $(rfind $(@$rfind:tt)?)? ($($closure:tt)*),
) => {
($fixed $vars $item,)
($(find $(@$find)?)? $(rfind $(@$rfind)?)?),
($fixed:tt $vars:tt $item:ident fold (), $(,)* ) => {
$crate::__::compile_error! {"fold method expects accumulator and closure arguments"}
($fixed:tt $vars:tt $item:ident rfold (), $(,)* ) => {
$crate::__::compile_error! {"rfold method expects accumulator and closure arguments"}
$(fold $(@$fold:tt)?)? $(rfold $(@$rfold:tt)?)? ($accum:expr $(, $($closure:tt)*)?), $(,)*
) => {
($fixed $vars $item,)
($(fold $(@$fold)?)? $(rfold $(@$rfold)?)?),
($fixed:tt $vars:tt $item:ident fold $args:tt, $(,)* ) => {
$crate::__::compile_error! {"fold method expects accumulator and closure arguments"}
($fixed:tt $vars:tt $item:ident rfold $args:tt, $(,)* ) => {
$crate::__::compile_error! {"rfold method expects accumulator and closure arguments"}
($fixed:tt ($var:ident) $item:ident next($($args:tt)*), $(,)* ) => ({
$crate::__cim_error_on_args!{next ($($args)*)}
$var = $crate::__::Some($item);
($fixed:tt ($nth:ident $ret:ident) $item:ident nth($($args:tt)*), $(,)* ) => ({
let _: $crate::__::usize = $nth;
if $nth == 0 {
$ret = $crate::__::Some($item);
} else {
$nth -= 1;
($fixed:tt () $item:ident $comb:ident $($rem:tt)*) => {
$crate::__::compile_error! {$crate::__::concat!(
"Unsupported iterator method: `",
($fixed:tt () $item:ident $(,)*) => {
$crate::__ie_output!{$fixed {}}
($fixed:tt () $item:ident $($rem:tt)*) => {
$crate::__::compile_error! {$crate::__::concat!(
"Unsupported trailing syntax: `",
macro_rules! __ie_for_each {
($fixed:tt $item:ident, |$elem:pat| $value:expr) => {
$crate::__ie_output! {
{let $elem = $item; $value;}
macro_rules! __ie_any {
($fixed:tt ($cond:ident) $item:ident, |$elem:pat| $v:expr) => {
$crate::__ie_output! {
let $elem = $item;
let cond: $crate::__::bool = $v;
if cond {
$cond = true;
macro_rules! __ie_all {
($fixed:tt ($cond:ident) $item:ident, |$elem:pat| $v:expr) => {
$crate::__ie_output! {
let $elem = $item;
let cond: $crate::__::bool = $v;
if !cond {
$cond = false;
macro_rules! __ie_position {
($fixed:tt ($i:ident $position:ident) $item:ident, |$elem:pat| $v:expr) => {
$crate::__ie_output! {
let $elem = $item;
let cond: $crate::__::bool = $v;
if cond {
$position = $crate::__::Some($i);
} else {
$i += 1;
macro_rules! __ie_find_map {
($fixed:tt ($ret:ident) $item:ident, |$elem:pat| $v:expr) => {
$crate::__ie_output! {
let $elem = $item;
$ret = $v;
if let $crate::__::Some(_) = $ret {
macro_rules! __ie_find {
($fixed:tt ($ret:ident) $item:ident, |$elem:pat| $v:expr) => {
$crate::__ie_output! {
let $elem = &$item;
let cond: $crate::__::bool = $v;
if cond {
$ret = $crate::__::Some($item);
macro_rules! __ie_fold {
($fixed:tt ($accum:ident) $item:ident, |$accum_pat:pat, $elem:pat| $v:expr) => {
$crate::__ie_output! {
let $accum_pat = $accum;
let $elem = $item;
$accum = $v;
macro_rules! __ie_output {
($break_label:tt $($label:tt)?)
{$($var_a:ident = $var_a_expr:expr),* $(,)?}
) => ({
match ($($( $var_a_expr,)?)*) {
($($(mut $var_a,)?)*) => {
$($label:)? loop {
macro_rules! __ie_break {
($break_label:tt $($label:tt)?)
) => {
break $break_label $($break_with)?;