1use alloc::vec::Vec;
2use core::mem;
3use core::ops::Range;
4#[cfg(feature = "std")]
5use std::io;
67#[cfg(feature = "std")]
8use crate::msgs::message::MAX_WIRE_SIZE;
910/// Conversion from a slice within a larger buffer into
11/// a `Range` offset within.
13pub(crate) struct Locator {
14 bounds: Range<*const u8>,
1617impl Locator {
19pub(crate) fn new(slice: &[u8]) -> Self {
20Self {
21 bounds: slice.as_ptr_range(),
22 }
23 }
26pub(crate) fn locate(&self, slice: &[u8]) -> Range<usize> {
27let bounds = slice.as_ptr_range();
29let start = bounds.start as usize - self.bounds.start as usize;
30let len = bounds.end as usize - bounds.start as usize;
31 Range {
32 start,
33 end: start + len,
34 }
35 }
38pub(crate) fn fully_contains(&self, slice: &[u8]) -> bool {
39let bounds = slice.as_ptr_range();
40 bounds.start >= self.bounds.start && bounds.end <= self.bounds.end
41 }
4344/// Conversion from a `Range` offset to the original slice.
45pub(crate) struct Delocator<'b> {
46 slice: &'b [u8],
4849impl<'b> Delocator<'b> {
51pub(crate) fn new(slice: &'b [u8]) -> Self {
52Self { slice }
53 }
56pub(crate) fn slice_from_range(&'_ self, range: &Range<usize>) -> &'b [u8] {
57// safety: this unwrap is safe so long as `range` came from `locate()`
58 // for the same buffer
60 }
63pub(crate) fn locator(self) -> Locator {
64 Locator::new(self.slice)
65 }
6768/// Reordering the underlying buffer based on ranges.
69pub(crate) struct Coalescer<'b> {
70 slice: &'b mut [u8],
7273impl<'b> Coalescer<'b> {
75pub(crate) fn new(slice: &'b mut [u8]) -> Self {
76Self { slice }
77 }
80pub(crate) fn copy_within(&mut self, from: Range<usize>, to: Range<usize>) {
81debug_assert!(from.len() == to.len());
84self.slice.copy_within(from, to.start);
85 }
88pub(crate) fn delocator(self) -> Delocator<'b> {
89 Delocator::new(self.slice)
90 }
9293/// Accounting structure tracking progress in parsing a single buffer.
94#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
95pub(crate) struct BufferProgress {
96/// Prefix of the buffer that has been processed so far.
97 ///
98 /// `processed` may exceed `discard`, that means we have parsed
99 /// some buffer, but are still using it. This happens due to
100 /// in-place decryption of incoming records, and in-place
101 /// reassembly of handshake messages.
102 ///
103 /// 0 <= processed <= len
104processed: usize,
105106/// Prefix of the buffer that can be removed.
107 ///
108 /// If `discard` exceeds `processed`, that means we are ignoring
109 /// data without processing it.
110 ///
111 /// 0 <= discard <= len
112discard: usize,
114115impl BufferProgress {
116pub(super) fn new(processed: usize) -> Self {
117Self {
118 processed,
119 discard: 0,
120 }
121 }
124pub(crate) fn add_discard(&mut self, discard: usize) {
125self.discard += discard;
126 }
129pub(crate) fn add_processed(&mut self, processed: usize) {
130self.processed += processed;
131 }
134pub(crate) fn take_discard(&mut self) -> usize {
135// the caller is about to discard `discard` bytes
136 // from the front of the buffer. adjust `processed`
137 // down by the same amount.
138self.processed = self
140 .saturating_sub(self.discard);
141 mem::take(&mut self.discard)
142 }
145pub(crate) fn processed(&self) -> usize {
147 }
149150#[derive(Default, Debug)]
151pub(crate) struct DeframerVecBuffer {
152/// Buffer of data read from the socket, in the process of being parsed into messages.
153 ///
154 /// For buffer size management, checkout out the [`DeframerVecBuffer::prepare_read()`] method.
155buf: Vec<u8>,
156157/// What size prefix of `buf` is used.
158used: usize,
160161impl DeframerVecBuffer {
162/// Discard `taken` bytes from the start of our buffer.
163pub(crate) fn discard(&mut self, taken: usize) {
165if taken < self.used {
166/* Before:
167 * +----------+----------+----------+
168 * | taken | pending |xxxxxxxxxx|
169 * +----------+----------+----------+
170 * 0 ^ taken ^ self.used
171 *
172 * After:
173 * +----------+----------+----------+
174 * | pending |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|
175 * +----------+----------+----------+
176 * 0 ^ self.used
177 */
180 .copy_within(taken..self.used, 0);
181self.used -= taken;
182 } else if taken >= self.used {
183self.used = 0;
184 }
185 }
186187pub(crate) fn filled_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
188&mut self.buf[..self.used]
189 }
190191pub(crate) fn filled(&self) -> &[u8] {
193 }
195196#[cfg(feature = "std")]
197impl DeframerVecBuffer {
198/// Read some bytes from `rd`, and add them to the buffer.
199pub(crate) fn read(&mut self, rd: &mut dyn io::Read, in_handshake: bool) -> io::Result<usize> {
200if let Err(err) = self.prepare_read(in_handshake) {
201return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, err));
202 }
203204// Try to do the largest reads possible. Note that if
205 // we get a message with a length field out of range here,
206 // we do a zero length read. That looks like an EOF to
207 // the next layer up, which is fine.
208let new_bytes = rd.read(&mut self.buf[self.used..])?;
209self.used += new_bytes;
211 }
212213/// Resize the internal `buf` if necessary for reading more bytes.
214fn prepare_read(&mut self, is_joining_hs: bool) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
215/// TLS allows for handshake messages of up to 16MB. We
216 /// restrict that to 64KB to limit potential for denial-of-
217 /// service.
218const MAX_HANDSHAKE_SIZE: u32 = 0xffff;
219220const READ_SIZE: usize = 4096;
221222// We allow a maximum of 64k of buffered data for handshake messages only. Enforce this
223 // by varying the maximum allowed buffer size here based on whether a prefix of a
224 // handshake payload is currently being buffered. Given that the first read of such a
225 // payload will only ever be 4k bytes, the next time we come around here we allow a
226 // larger buffer size. Once the large message and any following handshake messages in
227 // the same flight have been consumed, `pop()` will call `discard()` to reset `used`.
228 // At this point, the buffer resizing logic below should reduce the buffer size.
229let allow_max = match is_joining_hs {
230true => MAX_HANDSHAKE_SIZE as usize,
231false => MAX_WIRE_SIZE,
232 };
233234if self.used >= allow_max {
235return Err("message buffer full");
236 }
237238// If we can and need to increase the buffer size to allow a 4k read, do so. After
239 // dealing with a large handshake message (exceeding `OutboundOpaqueMessage::MAX_WIRE_SIZE`),
240 // make sure to reduce the buffer size again (large messages should be rare).
241 // Also, reduce the buffer size if there are neither full nor partial messages in it,
242 // which usually means that the other side suspended sending data.
243let need_capacity = Ord::min(allow_max, self.used + READ_SIZE);
244if need_capacity > self.buf.len() {
245self.buf.resize(need_capacity, 0);
246 } else if self.used == 0 || self.buf.len() > allow_max {
247self.buf.resize(need_capacity, 0);
249 }
252 }
253254/// Append `bytes` to the end of this buffer.
255 ///
256 /// Return a `Range` saying where it went.
257pub(crate) fn extend(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> Range<usize> {
258let len = bytes.len();
259let start = self.used;
260let end = start + len;
261if self.buf.len() < end {
262self.buf.resize(end, 0);
263 }
265self.used += len;
266 Range { start, end }
267 }
269270/// A borrowed version of [`DeframerVecBuffer`] that tracks discard operations
272pub(crate) struct DeframerSliceBuffer<'a> {
273// a fully initialized buffer that will be deframed
274buf: &'a mut [u8],
275// number of bytes to discard from the front of `buf` at a later time
276discard: usize,
278279impl<'a> DeframerSliceBuffer<'a> {
280pub(crate) fn new(buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self {
281Self { buf, discard: 0 }
282 }
283284/// Tracks a pending discard operation of `num_bytes`
285pub(crate) fn queue_discard(&mut self, num_bytes: usize) {
286self.discard += num_bytes;
287 }
288289pub(crate) fn pending_discard(&self) -> usize {
291 }
292293pub(crate) fn filled_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
294&mut self.buf[self.discard..]
295 }