
1/// Decode base64 `input`, writing the result into `output`.
3/// `input` is treated as secret, so efforts are made to avoid
4/// leaking its value via side channels, such as timing,
5/// memory accesses, and execution trace.
7/// The following is deemed non-secret information:
9/// - Appearance of whitespace in `input`
10/// - Erroneous characters in `input` (indeed, the first illegal
11///   character is quoted in the error type)
12/// - The length of `input`
13/// - The length of `output`
15/// Returns the prefix of `output` that was written to.
16pub(crate) fn decode_secret<'a>(input: &[u8], output: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<&'a [u8], Error> {
17    decode(input, output, CodePoint::decode_secret)
20/// Decode base64 `input`, writing the result into `output`.
22/// `input` is treated as public information, so its value may
23/// be leaked via side channels.
25/// Returns the prefix of `output` that was written to.
26pub(crate) fn decode_public<'a>(input: &[u8], output: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<&'a [u8], Error> {
27    decode(input, output, CodePoint::decode_public)
30/// Provide an upper limit on how much space could be required
31/// to decode a base64 encoding of len `base64_len`.
32pub(crate) const fn decoded_length(base64_len: usize) -> usize {
33    ((base64_len + 3) / 4) * 3
36fn decode<'a>(
37    input: &[u8],
38    output: &'a mut [u8],
39    decode_byte: impl Fn(u8) -> CodePoint,
40) -> Result<&'a [u8], Error> {
41    let mut buffer = 0u64;
42    let mut used = 0;
43    let mut shift = SHIFT_INITIAL;
44    let mut pad_mask = 0;
46    let mut output_offset = 0;
48    const SHIFT_INITIAL: i32 = (8 - 1) * 6;
50    for byte in input.iter().copied() {
51        let (item, pad) = match decode_byte(byte) {
52            CodePoint::WHITESPACE => continue,
53            CodePoint::INVALID => return Err(Error::InvalidCharacter(byte)),
54            CodePoint::PAD => (0, 1),
55            CodePoint(n) => (n, 0),
56        };
58        // we collect 8 code points (therefore: 6 output bytes) into
59        // `buffer`.  this keeps this loop as tight as possible.
60        if used == 8 {
61            if pad_mask != 0b0000_0000 {
62                return Err(Error::PrematurePadding);
63            }
65            let chunk = output
66                .get_mut(output_offset..output_offset + 6)
67                .ok_or(Error::InsufficientOutputSpace)?;
69            chunk[0] = (buffer >> 40) as u8;
70            chunk[1] = (buffer >> 32) as u8;
71            chunk[2] = (buffer >> 24) as u8;
72            chunk[3] = (buffer >> 16) as u8;
73            chunk[4] = (buffer >> 8) as u8;
74            chunk[5] = buffer as u8;
76            output_offset += 6;
77            buffer = 0;
78            used = 0;
79            pad_mask = 0;
80            shift = SHIFT_INITIAL;
81        }
83        buffer |= (item as u64) << shift;
84        shift -= 6;
85        pad_mask |= pad << used;
86        used += 1;
87    }
89    // reduce to final block
90    if used > 4 {
91        if pad_mask & 0b0000_1111 != 0 {
92            return Err(Error::PrematurePadding);
93        }
94        let chunk = output
95            .get_mut(output_offset..output_offset + 3)
96            .ok_or(Error::InsufficientOutputSpace)?;
97        chunk[0] = (buffer >> 40) as u8;
98        chunk[1] = (buffer >> 32) as u8;
99        chunk[2] = (buffer >> 24) as u8;
101        buffer <<= 24;
102        pad_mask >>= 4;
103        used -= 4;
104        output_offset += 3;
105    }
107    match (used, pad_mask) {
108        // no trailing bytes
109        (0, 0b0000) => {}
111        // 4 trailing bytes, no padding
112        (4, 0b0000) => {
113            let chunk = output
114                .get_mut(output_offset..output_offset + 3)
115                .ok_or(Error::InsufficientOutputSpace)?;
116            chunk[0] = (buffer >> 40) as u8;
117            chunk[1] = (buffer >> 32) as u8;
118            chunk[2] = (buffer >> 24) as u8;
119            output_offset += 3;
120        }
122        // 4 trailing bytes with one padding char, or 3 trailing bytes
123        (4, 0b1000) | (3, 0b0000) => {
124            let chunk = output
125                .get_mut(output_offset..output_offset + 2)
126                .ok_or(Error::InsufficientOutputSpace)?;
128            chunk[0] = (buffer >> 40) as u8;
129            chunk[1] = (buffer >> 32) as u8;
130            output_offset += 2;
131        }
133        // 4 trailing bytes with two padding char, or 2 trailing bytes
134        (4, 0b1100) | (2, 0b0000) => {
135            let chunk = output
136                .get_mut(output_offset..output_offset + 1)
137                .ok_or(Error::InsufficientOutputSpace)?;
138            chunk[0] = (buffer >> 40) as u8;
139            output_offset += 1;
140        }
142        // everything else is illegal
143        _ => return Err(Error::InvalidTrailingPadding),
144    }
146    Ok(&output[..output_offset])
149#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
150pub(crate) enum Error {
151    /// Given character is not valid in base64 alphabet.
152    InvalidCharacter(u8),
154    /// A padding character (`=`) appeared outside the final
155    /// block of 4 characters.
156    PrematurePadding,
158    /// The padding characters at the end of the input were invalid.
159    InvalidTrailingPadding,
161    /// Not enough space in output buffer.
162    ///
163    /// Use `decoded_length` to get an upper bound.
164    InsufficientOutputSpace,
167#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
168struct CodePoint(u8);
170impl CodePoint {
171    const WHITESPACE: Self = Self(0xf0);
172    const PAD: Self = Self(0xf1);
173    const INVALID: Self = Self(0xf2);
176impl CodePoint {
177    /// Side-channel rules:
178    ///
179    /// - code paths that produce `CodePoint(n)` must not make
180    ///   `n` observable via a side channel.
181    /// - other code paths -- whitespace, padding or invalid -- need not,
182    ///   these are not considered secret conditions.
183    fn decode_secret(b: u8) -> Self {
184        let is_upper = u8_in_range(b, b'A', b'Z');
185        let is_lower = u8_in_range(b, b'a', b'z');
186        let is_digit = u8_in_range(b, b'0', b'9');
187        let is_plus = u8_equals(b, b'+');
188        let is_slash = u8_equals(b, b'/');
189        let is_pad = u8_equals(b, b'=');
190        let is_space = u8_in_range(b, b'\t', b'\r') | u8_equals(b, b' ');
192        let is_invalid = !(is_lower | is_upper | is_digit | is_plus | is_slash | is_pad | is_space);
194        Self(
195            (is_upper & b.wrapping_sub(b'A'))
196                | (is_lower & (b.wrapping_sub(b'a').wrapping_add(26)))
197                | (is_digit & (b.wrapping_sub(b'0').wrapping_add(52)))
198                | (is_plus & 62)
199                | (is_slash & 63)
200                | (is_space & Self::WHITESPACE.0)
201                | (is_pad & Self::PAD.0)
202                | (is_invalid & Self::INVALID.0),
203        )
204    }
206    fn decode_public(a: u8) -> Self {
207        const TABLE: [CodePoint; 256] = [
208            // 0x00..0x0f
209            CodePoint::INVALID,
210            CodePoint::INVALID,
211            CodePoint::INVALID,
212            CodePoint::INVALID,
213            CodePoint::INVALID,
214            CodePoint::INVALID,
215            CodePoint::INVALID,
216            CodePoint::INVALID,
217            CodePoint::INVALID,
218            CodePoint::WHITESPACE,
219            CodePoint::WHITESPACE,
220            CodePoint::WHITESPACE,
221            CodePoint::WHITESPACE,
222            CodePoint::WHITESPACE,
223            CodePoint::INVALID,
224            CodePoint::INVALID,
225            // 0x10..0x1f
226            CodePoint::INVALID,
227            CodePoint::INVALID,
228            CodePoint::INVALID,
229            CodePoint::INVALID,
230            CodePoint::INVALID,
231            CodePoint::INVALID,
232            CodePoint::INVALID,
233            CodePoint::INVALID,
234            CodePoint::INVALID,
235            CodePoint::INVALID,
236            CodePoint::INVALID,
237            CodePoint::INVALID,
238            CodePoint::INVALID,
239            CodePoint::INVALID,
240            CodePoint::INVALID,
241            CodePoint::INVALID,
242            // 0x20..0x2f
243            CodePoint::WHITESPACE,
244            CodePoint::INVALID,
245            CodePoint::INVALID,
246            CodePoint::INVALID,
247            CodePoint::INVALID,
248            CodePoint::INVALID,
249            CodePoint::INVALID,
250            CodePoint::INVALID,
251            CodePoint::INVALID,
252            CodePoint::INVALID,
253            CodePoint::INVALID,
254            CodePoint(62),
255            CodePoint::INVALID,
256            CodePoint::INVALID,
257            CodePoint::INVALID,
258            CodePoint(63),
259            // 0x30..0x3f
260            CodePoint(52),
261            CodePoint(53),
262            CodePoint(54),
263            CodePoint(55),
264            CodePoint(56),
265            CodePoint(57),
266            CodePoint(58),
267            CodePoint(59),
268            CodePoint(60),
269            CodePoint(61),
270            CodePoint::INVALID,
271            CodePoint::INVALID,
272            CodePoint::INVALID,
273            CodePoint::PAD,
274            CodePoint::INVALID,
275            CodePoint::INVALID,
276            // 0x40..0x4f
277            CodePoint::INVALID,
278            CodePoint(0),
279            CodePoint(1),
280            CodePoint(2),
281            CodePoint(3),
282            CodePoint(4),
283            CodePoint(5),
284            CodePoint(6),
285            CodePoint(7),
286            CodePoint(8),
287            CodePoint(9),
288            CodePoint(10),
289            CodePoint(11),
290            CodePoint(12),
291            CodePoint(13),
292            CodePoint(14),
293            // 0x50..0x5f
294            CodePoint(15),
295            CodePoint(16),
296            CodePoint(17),
297            CodePoint(18),
298            CodePoint(19),
299            CodePoint(20),
300            CodePoint(21),
301            CodePoint(22),
302            CodePoint(23),
303            CodePoint(24),
304            CodePoint(25),
305            CodePoint::INVALID,
306            CodePoint::INVALID,
307            CodePoint::INVALID,
308            CodePoint::INVALID,
309            CodePoint::INVALID,
310            // 0x60..0x6f
311            CodePoint::INVALID,
312            CodePoint(26),
313            CodePoint(27),
314            CodePoint(28),
315            CodePoint(29),
316            CodePoint(30),
317            CodePoint(31),
318            CodePoint(32),
319            CodePoint(33),
320            CodePoint(34),
321            CodePoint(35),
322            CodePoint(36),
323            CodePoint(37),
324            CodePoint(38),
325            CodePoint(39),
326            CodePoint(40),
327            // 0x70..0x7f
328            CodePoint(41),
329            CodePoint(42),
330            CodePoint(43),
331            CodePoint(44),
332            CodePoint(45),
333            CodePoint(46),
334            CodePoint(47),
335            CodePoint(48),
336            CodePoint(49),
337            CodePoint(50),
338            CodePoint(51),
339            CodePoint::INVALID,
340            CodePoint::INVALID,
341            CodePoint::INVALID,
342            CodePoint::INVALID,
343            CodePoint::INVALID,
344            // 0x80..0x8f
345            CodePoint::INVALID,
346            CodePoint::INVALID,
347            CodePoint::INVALID,
348            CodePoint::INVALID,
349            CodePoint::INVALID,
350            CodePoint::INVALID,
351            CodePoint::INVALID,
352            CodePoint::INVALID,
353            CodePoint::INVALID,
354            CodePoint::INVALID,
355            CodePoint::INVALID,
356            CodePoint::INVALID,
357            CodePoint::INVALID,
358            CodePoint::INVALID,
359            CodePoint::INVALID,
360            CodePoint::INVALID,
361            // 0x90..0x9f
362            CodePoint::INVALID,
363            CodePoint::INVALID,
364            CodePoint::INVALID,
365            CodePoint::INVALID,
366            CodePoint::INVALID,
367            CodePoint::INVALID,
368            CodePoint::INVALID,
369            CodePoint::INVALID,
370            CodePoint::INVALID,
371            CodePoint::INVALID,
372            CodePoint::INVALID,
373            CodePoint::INVALID,
374            CodePoint::INVALID,
375            CodePoint::INVALID,
376            CodePoint::INVALID,
377            CodePoint::INVALID,
378            // 0xa0..0xaf
379            CodePoint::INVALID,
380            CodePoint::INVALID,
381            CodePoint::INVALID,
382            CodePoint::INVALID,
383            CodePoint::INVALID,
384            CodePoint::INVALID,
385            CodePoint::INVALID,
386            CodePoint::INVALID,
387            CodePoint::INVALID,
388            CodePoint::INVALID,
389            CodePoint::INVALID,
390            CodePoint::INVALID,
391            CodePoint::INVALID,
392            CodePoint::INVALID,
393            CodePoint::INVALID,
394            CodePoint::INVALID,
395            // 0xb0..0xbf
396            CodePoint::INVALID,
397            CodePoint::INVALID,
398            CodePoint::INVALID,
399            CodePoint::INVALID,
400            CodePoint::INVALID,
401            CodePoint::INVALID,
402            CodePoint::INVALID,
403            CodePoint::INVALID,
404            CodePoint::INVALID,
405            CodePoint::INVALID,
406            CodePoint::INVALID,
407            CodePoint::INVALID,
408            CodePoint::INVALID,
409            CodePoint::INVALID,
410            CodePoint::INVALID,
411            CodePoint::INVALID,
412            // 0xc0..0xcf
413            CodePoint::INVALID,
414            CodePoint::INVALID,
415            CodePoint::INVALID,
416            CodePoint::INVALID,
417            CodePoint::INVALID,
418            CodePoint::INVALID,
419            CodePoint::INVALID,
420            CodePoint::INVALID,
421            CodePoint::INVALID,
422            CodePoint::INVALID,
423            CodePoint::INVALID,
424            CodePoint::INVALID,
425            CodePoint::INVALID,
426            CodePoint::INVALID,
427            CodePoint::INVALID,
428            CodePoint::INVALID,
429            // 0xd0..0xdf
430            CodePoint::INVALID,
431            CodePoint::INVALID,
432            CodePoint::INVALID,
433            CodePoint::INVALID,
434            CodePoint::INVALID,
435            CodePoint::INVALID,
436            CodePoint::INVALID,
437            CodePoint::INVALID,
438            CodePoint::INVALID,
439            CodePoint::INVALID,
440            CodePoint::INVALID,
441            CodePoint::INVALID,
442            CodePoint::INVALID,
443            CodePoint::INVALID,
444            CodePoint::INVALID,
445            CodePoint::INVALID,
446            // 0xe0..0xef
447            CodePoint::INVALID,
448            CodePoint::INVALID,
449            CodePoint::INVALID,
450            CodePoint::INVALID,
451            CodePoint::INVALID,
452            CodePoint::INVALID,
453            CodePoint::INVALID,
454            CodePoint::INVALID,
455            CodePoint::INVALID,
456            CodePoint::INVALID,
457            CodePoint::INVALID,
458            CodePoint::INVALID,
459            CodePoint::INVALID,
460            CodePoint::INVALID,
461            CodePoint::INVALID,
462            CodePoint::INVALID,
463            // 0xf0..0xff
464            CodePoint::INVALID,
465            CodePoint::INVALID,
466            CodePoint::INVALID,
467            CodePoint::INVALID,
468            CodePoint::INVALID,
469            CodePoint::INVALID,
470            CodePoint::INVALID,
471            CodePoint::INVALID,
472            CodePoint::INVALID,
473            CodePoint::INVALID,
474            CodePoint::INVALID,
475            CodePoint::INVALID,
476            CodePoint::INVALID,
477            CodePoint::INVALID,
478            CodePoint::INVALID,
479            CodePoint::INVALID,
480        ];
482        TABLE[a as usize]
483    }
486/// Returns 0xff if `a` in `lo..=hi`.
488/// lo..=hi must not be 0..=255.  Callers in this file have constant
489/// `lo` and `hi`, and this function is private to this file.
490fn u8_in_range(a: u8, lo: u8, hi: u8) -> u8 {
491    debug_assert!(lo <= hi);
492    debug_assert!(hi - lo != 255);
493    let a = a.wrapping_sub(lo);
494    u8_less_than(a, (hi - lo).wrapping_add(1))
497/// Returns 0xff if a < b, 0 otherwise.
498fn u8_less_than(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8 {
499    let a = u16::from(a);
500    let b = u16::from(b);
501    u8_broadcast16(a.wrapping_sub(b))
504/// Returns 0xff if a == b, 0 otherwise.
505fn u8_equals(a: u8, b: u8) -> u8 {
506    let diff = a ^ b;
507    u8_nonzero(diff)
510/// Returns 0xff if a != 0, 0 otherwise.
511fn u8_nonzero(x: u8) -> u8 {
512    u8_broadcast8(!x & x.wrapping_sub(1))
515/// Broadcasts the top bit of `x`
517/// In other words, if the top bit of `x` is set,
518/// returns 0xff else 0x00.
519fn u8_broadcast8(x: u8) -> u8 {
520    let msb = x >> 7;
521    0u8.wrapping_sub(msb)
524/// Broadcasts the top bit of `x`
526/// In other words, if the top bit of `x` is set,
527/// returns 0xff else 0x00.
528fn u8_broadcast16(x: u16) -> u8 {
529    let msb = x >> 15;
530    0u8.wrapping_sub(msb as u8)
533#[cfg(all(test, feature = "alloc"))]
534mod tests {
535    use super::*;
537    #[test]
538    fn decode_test() {
539        assert_eq!(
540            decode(b"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"),
541            b"\x00\x10\x83\x10\x51\x87\x20\x92\x8b\x30\xd3\x8f\x41\x14\x93\x51\x55\x97\
542              \x61\x96\x9b\x71\xd7\x9f\x82\x18\xa3\x92\x59\xa7\xa2\x9a\xab\xb2\xdb\xaf\
543              \xc3\x1c\xb3\xd3\x5d\xb7\xe3\x9e\xbb\xf3\xdf\xbf"
544        );
545        assert_eq!(decode(b"aGVsbG8="), b"hello");
546        assert_eq!(decode(b"aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="), b"hello world");
547        assert_eq!(decode(b"aGVsbG8gd29ybGQh"), b"hello world!");
548        assert_eq!(decode(b"////"), b"\xff\xff\xff");
549        assert_eq!(decode(b"++++"), b"\xfb\xef\xbe");
550        assert_eq!(decode(b"AAAA"), b"\x00\x00\x00");
551        assert_eq!(decode(b"AAA="), b"\x00\x00");
552        assert_eq!(decode(b"AA=="), b"\x00");
554        // like our previous use of rust-base64, we don't require padding
555        // if the encoding is otherwise valid given the length
556        assert_eq!(decode(b"AAA"), b"\x00\x00");
557        assert_eq!(decode(b"AA"), b"\x00");
559        assert_eq!(decode(b""), b"");
560    }
562    #[test]
563    fn decode_errors() {
564        let mut buf = [0u8; 6];
566        // illegal trailing padding
567        assert_eq!(
568            decode_both(b"A===", &mut buf),
569            Err(Error::InvalidTrailingPadding)
570        );
571        assert_eq!(
572            decode_both(b"====", &mut buf),
573            Err(Error::InvalidTrailingPadding)
574        );
575        assert_eq!(
576            decode_both(b"A==", &mut buf),
577            Err(Error::InvalidTrailingPadding)
578        );
579        assert_eq!(
580            decode_both(b"AA=", &mut buf),
581            Err(Error::InvalidTrailingPadding)
582        );
583        assert_eq!(
584            decode_both(b"A", &mut buf),
585            Err(Error::InvalidTrailingPadding)
586        );
588        // padding before final block
589        assert_eq!(
590            decode_both(b"=AAAAA==", &mut buf),
591            Err(Error::PrematurePadding)
592        );
593        assert_eq!(
594            decode_both(b"A=AAAA==", &mut buf),
595            Err(Error::PrematurePadding)
596        );
597        assert_eq!(
598            decode_both(b"AA=AAA==", &mut buf),
599            Err(Error::PrematurePadding)
600        );
601        assert_eq!(
602            decode_both(b"AAA=AA==", &mut buf),
603            Err(Error::PrematurePadding)
604        );
606        // illegal inputs
607        assert_eq!(
608            decode_both(b"%AAA", &mut buf),
609            Err(Error::InvalidCharacter(b'%'))
610        );
611        assert_eq!(
612            decode_both(b"A%AA", &mut buf),
613            Err(Error::InvalidCharacter(b'%'))
614        );
615        assert_eq!(
616            decode_both(b"AA%A", &mut buf),
617            Err(Error::InvalidCharacter(b'%'))
618        );
619        assert_eq!(
620            decode_both(b"AAA%", &mut buf),
621            Err(Error::InvalidCharacter(b'%'))
622        );
624        // output sizing
625        assert_eq!(decode_both(b"am9lIGJw", &mut [0u8; 7]), Ok(&b"joe bp"[..]));
626        assert_eq!(decode_both(b"am9lIGJw", &mut [0u8; 6]), Ok(&b"joe bp"[..]));
627        assert_eq!(
628            decode_both(b"am9lIGJw", &mut [0u8; 5]),
629            Err(Error::InsufficientOutputSpace)
630        );
631        assert_eq!(
632            decode_both(b"am9lIGJw", &mut [0u8; 4]),
633            Err(Error::InsufficientOutputSpace)
634        );
635        assert_eq!(
636            decode_both(b"am9lIGJw", &mut [0u8; 3]),
637            Err(Error::InsufficientOutputSpace)
638        );
640        // output sizing is not pessimistic when padding is valid
641        assert_eq!(decode_both(b"am9=", &mut [0u8; 2]), Ok(&b"jo"[..]));
642        assert_eq!(decode_both(b"am==", &mut [0u8; 1]), Ok(&b"j"[..]));
643        assert_eq!(decode_both(b"am9", &mut [0u8; 2]), Ok(&b"jo"[..]));
644        assert_eq!(decode_both(b"am", &mut [0u8; 1]), Ok(&b"j"[..]));
645    }
647    #[test]
648    fn check_models() {
649        fn u8_broadcast8_model(x: u8) -> u8 {
650            match x & 0x80 {
651                0x80 => 0xff,
652                _ => 0x00,
653            }
654        }
656        fn u8_broadcast16_model(x: u16) -> u8 {
657            match x & 0x8000 {
658                0x8000 => 0xff,
659                _ => 0x00,
660            }
661        }
663        fn u8_nonzero_model(x: u8) -> u8 {
664            match x {
665                0 => 0xff,
666                _ => 0x00,
667            }
668        }
670        fn u8_equals_model(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 {
671            match x == y {
672                true => 0xff,
673                false => 0x00,
674            }
675        }
677        fn u8_in_range_model(x: u8, y: u8, z: u8) -> u8 {
678            match (y..=z).contains(&x) {
679                true => 0xff,
680                false => 0x00,
681            }
682        }
684        for x in u8::MIN..=u8::MAX {
685            assert_eq!(u8_broadcast8(x), u8_broadcast8_model(x));
686            assert_eq!(u8_nonzero(x), u8_nonzero_model(x));
687            assert_eq!(CodePoint::decode_secret(x), CodePoint::decode_public(x));
689            for y in u8::MIN..=u8::MAX {
690                assert_eq!(u8_equals(x, y), u8_equals_model(x, y));
692                let v = (x as u16) | ((y as u16) << 8);
693                assert_eq!(u8_broadcast16(v), u8_broadcast16_model(v));
695                for z in y..=u8::MAX {
696                    if z - y == 255 {
697                        continue;
698                    }
699                    assert_eq!(u8_in_range(x, y, z), u8_in_range_model(x, y, z));
700                }
701            }
702        }
703    }
705    #[cfg(all(feature = "std", target_os = "linux", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
706    #[test]
707    fn codepoint_decode_secret_does_not_branch_or_index_on_secret_input() {
708        // this is using the same theory as <>
709        use crabgrind as cg;
711        if matches!(cg::run_mode(), cg::RunMode::Native) {
712            std::println!("SKIPPED: must be run under valgrind");
713            return;
714        }
716        let input = [b'a'];
717        cg::monitor_command(format!(
718            "make_memory undefined {:p} {}",
719            input.as_ptr(),
720            input.len()
721        ))
722        .unwrap();
724        core::hint::black_box(CodePoint::decode_secret(input[0]));
725    }
727    #[track_caller]
728    fn decode(input: &[u8]) -> alloc::vec::Vec<u8> {
729        let length = decoded_length(input.len());
731        let mut v = alloc::vec![0u8; length];
732        let used = decode_both(input, &mut v).unwrap().len();
733        v.truncate(used);
735        v
736    }
738    fn decode_both<'a>(input: &'_ [u8], output: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<&'a [u8], Error> {
739        let mut output_copy = output.to_vec();
740        let r_pub = decode_public(input, &mut output_copy);
742        let r_sec = decode_secret(input, output);
744        assert_eq!(r_pub, r_sec);
746        r_sec
747    }