
1//! Custom derive support for `zeroize`
3#![crate_type = "proc-macro"]
5#![warn(rust_2018_idioms, trivial_casts, unused_qualifications)]
7use proc_macro2::{Ident, TokenStream};
8use quote::{format_ident, quote};
9use syn::{
10    parse::{Parse, ParseStream},
11    parse_quote,
12    punctuated::Punctuated,
13    token::Comma,
14    visit::Visit,
15    Attribute, Data, DeriveInput, Expr, ExprLit, Field, Fields, Lit, Meta, Result, Variant,
16    WherePredicate,
19/// Name of zeroize-related attributes
20const ZEROIZE_ATTR: &str = "zeroize";
22/// Derive the `Zeroize` trait.
24/// Supports the following attributes:
26/// On the item level:
27/// - `#[zeroize(drop)]`: *deprecated* use `ZeroizeOnDrop` instead
28/// - `#[zeroize(bound = "T: MyTrait")]`: this replaces any trait bounds
29///   inferred by zeroize-derive
31/// On the field level:
32/// - `#[zeroize(skip)]`: skips this field or variant when calling `zeroize()`
33#[proc_macro_derive(Zeroize, attributes(zeroize))]
34pub fn derive_zeroize(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
35    derive_zeroize_impl(syn::parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput)).into()
38fn derive_zeroize_impl(input: DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
39    let attributes = ZeroizeAttrs::parse(&input);
41    let mut generics = input.generics.clone();
43    let extra_bounds = match attributes.bound {
44        Some(bounds) => bounds.0,
45        None => attributes
46            .auto_params
47            .iter()
48            .map(|type_param| -> WherePredicate {
49                parse_quote! {#type_param: Zeroize}
50            })
51            .collect(),
52    };
54    generics.make_where_clause().predicates.extend(extra_bounds);
56    let ty_name = &input.ident;
58    let (impl_gen, type_gen, where_) = generics.split_for_impl();
60    let drop_impl = if attributes.drop {
61        quote! {
62            #[doc(hidden)]
63            impl #impl_gen Drop for #ty_name #type_gen #where_ {
64                fn drop(&mut self) {
65                    self.zeroize()
66                }
67            }
68        }
69    } else {
70        quote! {}
71    };
73    let zeroizers = generate_fields(&input, quote! { zeroize });
74    let zeroize_impl = quote! {
75        impl #impl_gen ::zeroize::Zeroize for #ty_name #type_gen #where_ {
76            fn zeroize(&mut self) {
77                #zeroizers
78            }
79        }
80    };
82    quote! {
83        #zeroize_impl
84        #drop_impl
85    }
88/// Derive the `ZeroizeOnDrop` trait.
90/// Supports the following attributes:
92/// On the field level:
93/// - `#[zeroize(skip)]`: skips this field or variant when calling `zeroize()`
94#[proc_macro_derive(ZeroizeOnDrop, attributes(zeroize))]
95pub fn derive_zeroize_on_drop(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
96    derive_zeroize_on_drop_impl(syn::parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput)).into()
99fn derive_zeroize_on_drop_impl(input: DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
100    let zeroizers = generate_fields(&input, quote! { zeroize_or_on_drop });
102    let (impl_gen, type_gen, where_) = input.generics.split_for_impl();
103    let name = input.ident.clone();
105    let drop_impl = quote! {
106        impl #impl_gen Drop for #name #type_gen #where_ {
107            fn drop(&mut self) {
108                use ::zeroize::__internal::AssertZeroize;
109                use ::zeroize::__internal::AssertZeroizeOnDrop;
110                #zeroizers
111            }
112        }
113    };
114    let zeroize_on_drop_impl = impl_zeroize_on_drop(&input);
116    quote! {
117        #drop_impl
118        #zeroize_on_drop_impl
119    }
122/// Custom derive attributes for `Zeroize`
124struct ZeroizeAttrs {
125    /// Derive a `Drop` impl which calls zeroize on this type
126    drop: bool,
127    /// Custom bounds as defined by the user
128    bound: Option<Bounds>,
129    /// Type parameters in use by fields
130    auto_params: Vec<Ident>,
133/// Parsing helper for custom bounds
134struct Bounds(Punctuated<WherePredicate, Comma>);
136impl Parse for Bounds {
137    fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
138        Ok(Self(Punctuated::parse_terminated(input)?))
139    }
142struct BoundAccumulator<'a> {
143    generics: &'a syn::Generics,
144    params: Vec<Ident>,
147impl<'ast> Visit<'ast> for BoundAccumulator<'ast> {
148    fn visit_path(&mut self, path: &'ast syn::Path) {
149        if path.segments.len() != 1 {
150            return;
151        }
153        if let Some(segment) = path.segments.first() {
154            for param in &self.generics.params {
155                if let syn::GenericParam::Type(type_param) = param {
156                    if type_param.ident == segment.ident && !self.params.contains(&segment.ident) {
157                        self.params.push(type_param.ident.clone());
158                    }
159                }
160            }
161        }
162    }
165impl ZeroizeAttrs {
166    /// Parse attributes from the incoming AST
167    fn parse(input: &DeriveInput) -> Self {
168        let mut result = Self::default();
169        let mut bound_accumulator = BoundAccumulator {
170            generics: &input.generics,
171            params: Vec::new(),
172        };
174        for attr in &input.attrs {
175            result.parse_attr(attr, None, None);
176        }
178        match & {
179            syn::Data::Enum(enum_) => {
180                for variant in &enum_.variants {
181                    for attr in &variant.attrs {
182                        result.parse_attr(attr, Some(variant), None);
183                    }
184                    for field in &variant.fields {
185                        for attr in &field.attrs {
186                            result.parse_attr(attr, Some(variant), Some(field));
187                        }
188                        if !attr_skip(&field.attrs) {
189                            bound_accumulator.visit_type(&field.ty);
190                        }
191                    }
192                }
193            }
194            syn::Data::Struct(struct_) => {
195                for field in &struct_.fields {
196                    for attr in &field.attrs {
197                        result.parse_attr(attr, None, Some(field));
198                    }
199                    if !attr_skip(&field.attrs) {
200                        bound_accumulator.visit_type(&field.ty);
201                    }
202                }
203            }
204            syn::Data::Union(union_) => panic!("Unsupported untagged union {:?}", union_),
205        }
207        result.auto_params = bound_accumulator.params;
209        result
210    }
212    /// Parse attribute and handle `#[zeroize(...)]` attributes
213    fn parse_attr(&mut self, attr: &Attribute, variant: Option<&Variant>, binding: Option<&Field>) {
214        let meta_list = match &attr.meta {
215            Meta::List(list) => list,
216            _ => return,
217        };
219        // Ignore any non-zeroize attributes
220        if !meta_list.path.is_ident(ZEROIZE_ATTR) {
221            return;
222        }
224        for meta in attr
225            .parse_args_with(Punctuated::<Meta, Comma>::parse_terminated)
226            .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("error parsing attribute: {:?} ({})", attr, e))
227        {
228            self.parse_meta(&meta, variant, binding);
229        }
230    }
232    /// Parse `#[zeroize(...)]` attribute metadata (e.g. `drop`)
233    fn parse_meta(&mut self, meta: &Meta, variant: Option<&Variant>, binding: Option<&Field>) {
234        if meta.path().is_ident("drop") {
235            assert!(!self.drop, "duplicate #[zeroize] drop flags");
237            match (variant, binding) {
238                (_variant, Some(_binding)) => {
239                    // structs don't have a variant prefix, and only structs have bindings outside of a variant
240                    let item_kind = match variant {
241                        Some(_) => "enum",
242                        None => "struct",
243                    };
244                    panic!(
245                        concat!(
246                            "The #[zeroize(drop)] attribute is not allowed on {} fields. ",
247                            "Use it on the containing {} instead.",
248                        ),
249                        item_kind, item_kind,
250                    )
251                }
252                (Some(_variant), None) => panic!(concat!(
253                    "The #[zeroize(drop)] attribute is not allowed on enum variants. ",
254                    "Use it on the containing enum instead.",
255                )),
256                (None, None) => (),
257            };
259            self.drop = true;
260        } else if meta.path().is_ident("bound") {
261            assert!(self.bound.is_none(), "duplicate #[zeroize] bound flags");
263            match (variant, binding) {
264                (_variant, Some(_binding)) => {
265                    // structs don't have a variant prefix, and only structs have bindings outside of a variant
266                    let item_kind = match variant {
267                        Some(_) => "enum",
268                        None => "struct",
269                    };
270                    panic!(
271                        concat!(
272                            "The #[zeroize(bound)] attribute is not allowed on {} fields. ",
273                            "Use it on the containing {} instead.",
274                        ),
275                        item_kind, item_kind,
276                    )
277                }
278                (Some(_variant), None) => panic!(concat!(
279                    "The #[zeroize(bound)] attribute is not allowed on enum variants. ",
280                    "Use it on the containing enum instead.",
281                )),
282                (None, None) => {
283                    if let Meta::NameValue(meta_name_value) = meta {
284                        if let Expr::Lit(ExprLit {
285                            lit: Lit::Str(lit), ..
286                        }) = &meta_name_value.value
287                        {
288                            if lit.value().is_empty() {
289                                self.bound = Some(Bounds(Punctuated::new()));
290                            } else {
291                                self.bound = Some(lit.parse().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
292                                    panic!("error parsing bounds: {:?} ({})", lit, e)
293                                }));
294                            }
296                            return;
297                        }
298                    }
300                    panic!(concat!(
301                        "The #[zeroize(bound)] attribute expects a name-value syntax with a string literal value.",
302                        "E.g. #[zeroize(bound = \"T: MyTrait\")]."
303                    ))
304                }
305            }
306        } else if meta.path().is_ident("skip") {
307            if variant.is_none() && binding.is_none() {
308                panic!(concat!(
309                    "The #[zeroize(skip)] attribute is not allowed on a `struct` or `enum`. ",
310                    "Use it on a field or variant instead.",
311                ))
312            }
313        } else {
314            panic!("unknown #[zeroize] attribute type: {:?}", meta.path());
315        }
316    }
319fn field_ident(n: usize, field: &Field) -> Ident {
320    if let Some(ref name) = field.ident {
321        name.clone()
322    } else {
323        format_ident!("__zeroize_field_{}", n)
324    }
327fn generate_fields(input: &DeriveInput, method: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
328    let input_id = &input.ident;
329    let fields: Vec<_> = match {
330        Data::Enum(ref enum_) => enum_
331            .variants
332            .iter()
333            .filter_map(|variant| {
334                if attr_skip(&variant.attrs) {
335                    if variant.fields.iter().any(|field| attr_skip(&field.attrs)) {
336                        panic!("duplicate #[zeroize] skip flags")
337                    }
338                    None
339                } else {
340                    let variant_id = &variant.ident;
341                    Some((quote! { #input_id :: #variant_id }, &variant.fields))
342                }
343            })
344            .collect(),
345        Data::Struct(ref struct_) => vec![(quote! { #input_id }, &struct_.fields)],
346        Data::Union(ref union_) => panic!("Cannot generate fields for untagged union {:?}", union_),
347    };
349    let arms = fields.into_iter().map(|(name, fields)| {
350        let method_field = fields.iter().enumerate().filter_map(|(n, field)| {
351            if attr_skip(&field.attrs) {
352                None
353            } else {
354                let name = field_ident(n, field);
355                Some(quote! { #name.#method() })
356            }
357        });
359        let field_bindings = fields
360            .iter()
361            .enumerate()
362            .map(|(n, field)| field_ident(n, field));
364        let binding = match fields {
365            Fields::Named(_) => quote! {
366                #name { #(#field_bindings),* }
367            },
368            Fields::Unnamed(_) => quote! {
369                #name ( #(#field_bindings),* )
370            },
371            Fields::Unit => quote! {
372                #name
373            },
374        };
376        quote! {
377            #[allow(unused_variables)]
378            #binding => {
379                #(#method_field);*
380            }
381        }
382    });
384    quote! {
385        match self {
386            #(#arms),*
387            _ => {}
388        }
389    }
392fn attr_skip(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> bool {
393    let mut result = false;
394    for attr in attrs.iter().map(|attr| &attr.meta) {
395        if let Meta::List(list) = attr {
396            if list.path.is_ident(ZEROIZE_ATTR) {
397                for meta in list
398                    .parse_args_with(Punctuated::<Meta, Comma>::parse_terminated)
399                    .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("error parsing attribute: {:?} ({})", list, e))
400                {
401                    if let Meta::Path(path) = meta {
402                        if path.is_ident("skip") {
403                            assert!(!result, "duplicate #[zeroize] skip flags");
404                            result = true;
405                        }
406                    }
407                }
408            }
409        }
410    }
411    result
414fn impl_zeroize_on_drop(input: &DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
415    let name = input.ident.clone();
416    let (impl_gen, type_gen, where_) = input.generics.split_for_impl();
417    quote! {
418        #[doc(hidden)]
419        impl #impl_gen ::zeroize::ZeroizeOnDrop for #name #type_gen #where_ {}
420    }
424mod tests {
425    use super::*;
427    #[track_caller]
428    fn test_derive(
429        f: impl Fn(DeriveInput) -> TokenStream,
430        input: TokenStream,
431        expected_output: TokenStream,
432    ) {
433        let output = f(syn::parse2(input).unwrap());
434        assert_eq!(format!("{output}"), format!("{expected_output}"));
435    }
437    #[track_caller]
438    fn parse_zeroize_test(unparsed: &str) -> TokenStream {
439        derive_zeroize_impl(syn::parse_str(unparsed).expect("Failed to parse test input"))
440    }
442    #[test]
443    fn zeroize_without_drop() {
444        test_derive(
445            derive_zeroize_impl,
446            quote! {
447                struct Z {
448                    a: String,
449                    b: Vec<u8>,
450                    c: [u8; 3],
451                }
452            },
453            quote! {
454                impl ::zeroize::Zeroize for Z {
455                    fn zeroize(&mut self) {
456                        match self {
457                            #[allow(unused_variables)]
458                            Z { a, b, c } => {
459                                a.zeroize();
460                                b.zeroize();
461                                c.zeroize()
462                            }
463                            _ => {}
464                        }
465                    }
466                }
467            },
468        )
469    }
471    #[test]
472    fn zeroize_with_drop() {
473        test_derive(
474            derive_zeroize_impl,
475            quote! {
476                #[zeroize(drop)]
477                struct Z {
478                    a: String,
479                    b: Vec<u8>,
480                    c: [u8; 3],
481                }
482            },
483            quote! {
484                impl ::zeroize::Zeroize for Z {
485                    fn zeroize(&mut self) {
486                        match self {
487                            #[allow(unused_variables)]
488                            Z { a, b, c } => {
489                                a.zeroize();
490                                b.zeroize();
491                                c.zeroize()
492                            }
493                            _ => {}
494                        }
495                    }
496                }
497                #[doc(hidden)]
498                impl Drop for Z {
499                    fn drop(&mut self) {
500                        self.zeroize()
501                    }
502                }
503            },
504        )
505    }
507    #[test]
508    fn zeroize_with_skip() {
509        test_derive(
510            derive_zeroize_impl,
511            quote! {
512                struct Z {
513                    a: String,
514                    b: Vec<u8>,
515                    #[zeroize(skip)]
516                    c: [u8; 3],
517                }
518            },
519            quote! {
520                impl ::zeroize::Zeroize for Z {
521                    fn zeroize(&mut self) {
522                        match self {
523                            #[allow(unused_variables)]
524                            Z { a, b, c } => {
525                                a.zeroize();
526                                b.zeroize()
527                            }
528                            _ => {}
529                        }
530                    }
531                }
532            },
533        )
534    }
536    #[test]
537    fn zeroize_with_bound() {
538        test_derive(
539            derive_zeroize_impl,
540            quote! {
541                #[zeroize(bound = "T: MyTrait")]
542                struct Z<T>(T);
543            },
544            quote! {
545                impl<T> ::zeroize::Zeroize for Z<T> where T: MyTrait {
546                    fn zeroize(&mut self) {
547                        match self {
548                            #[allow(unused_variables)]
549                            Z(__zeroize_field_0) => {
550                                __zeroize_field_0.zeroize()
551                            }
552                            _ => {}
553                        }
554                    }
555                }
556            },
557        )
558    }
560    #[test]
561    fn zeroize_only_drop() {
562        test_derive(
563            derive_zeroize_on_drop_impl,
564            quote! {
565                struct Z {
566                    a: String,
567                    b: Vec<u8>,
568                    c: [u8; 3],
569                }
570            },
571            quote! {
572                impl Drop for Z {
573                    fn drop(&mut self) {
574                        use ::zeroize::__internal::AssertZeroize;
575                        use ::zeroize::__internal::AssertZeroizeOnDrop;
576                        match self {
577                            #[allow(unused_variables)]
578                            Z { a, b, c } => {
579                                a.zeroize_or_on_drop();
580                                b.zeroize_or_on_drop();
581                                c.zeroize_or_on_drop()
582                            }
583                            _ => {}
584                        }
585                    }
586                }
587                #[doc(hidden)]
588                impl ::zeroize::ZeroizeOnDrop for Z {}
589            },
590        )
591    }
593    #[test]
594    fn zeroize_on_struct() {
595        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
596            #[zeroize(drop)]
597            struct Z {
598                a: String,
599                b: Vec<u8>,
600                c: [u8; 3],
601            }
602        ));
603    }
605    #[test]
606    fn zeroize_on_enum() {
607        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
608            #[zeroize(drop)]
609            enum Z {
610                Variant1 { a: String, b: Vec<u8>, c: [u8; 3] },
611            }
612        ));
613    }
615    #[test]
616    #[should_panic(expected = "#[zeroize(drop)] attribute is not allowed on struct fields")]
617    fn zeroize_on_struct_field() {
618        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
619            struct Z {
620                #[zeroize(drop)]
621                a: String,
622                b: Vec<u8>,
623                c: [u8; 3],
624            }
625        ));
626    }
628    #[test]
629    #[should_panic(expected = "#[zeroize(drop)] attribute is not allowed on struct fields")]
630    fn zeroize_on_tuple_struct_field() {
631        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
632            struct Z(#[zeroize(drop)] String);
633        ));
634    }
636    #[test]
637    #[should_panic(expected = "#[zeroize(drop)] attribute is not allowed on struct fields")]
638    fn zeroize_on_second_field() {
639        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
640            struct Z {
641                a: String,
642                #[zeroize(drop)]
643                b: Vec<u8>,
644                c: [u8; 3],
645            }
646        ));
647    }
649    #[test]
650    #[should_panic(expected = "#[zeroize(drop)] attribute is not allowed on enum fields")]
651    fn zeroize_on_tuple_enum_variant_field() {
652        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
653            enum Z {
654                Variant(#[zeroize(drop)] String),
655            }
656        ));
657    }
659    #[test]
660    #[should_panic(expected = "#[zeroize(drop)] attribute is not allowed on enum fields")]
661    fn zeroize_on_enum_variant_field() {
662        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
663            enum Z {
664                Variant {
665                    #[zeroize(drop)]
666                    a: String,
667                    b: Vec<u8>,
668                    c: [u8; 3],
669                },
670            }
671        ));
672    }
674    #[test]
675    #[should_panic(expected = "#[zeroize(drop)] attribute is not allowed on enum fields")]
676    fn zeroize_on_enum_second_variant_field() {
677        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
678            enum Z {
679                Variant1 {
680                    a: String,
681                    b: Vec<u8>,
682                    c: [u8; 3],
683                },
684                Variant2 {
685                    #[zeroize(drop)]
686                    a: String,
687                    b: Vec<u8>,
688                    c: [u8; 3],
689                },
690            }
691        ));
692    }
694    #[test]
695    #[should_panic(expected = "#[zeroize(drop)] attribute is not allowed on enum variants")]
696    fn zeroize_on_enum_variant() {
697        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
698            enum Z {
699                #[zeroize(drop)]
700                Variant,
701            }
702        ));
703    }
705    #[test]
706    #[should_panic(expected = "#[zeroize(drop)] attribute is not allowed on enum variants")]
707    fn zeroize_on_enum_second_variant() {
708        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
709            enum Z {
710                Variant1,
711                #[zeroize(drop)]
712                Variant2,
713            }
714        ));
715    }
717    #[test]
718    #[should_panic(
719        expected = "The #[zeroize(skip)] attribute is not allowed on a `struct` or `enum`. Use it on a field or variant instead."
720    )]
721    fn zeroize_skip_on_struct() {
722        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
723            #[zeroize(skip)]
724            struct Z {
725                a: String,
726                b: Vec<u8>,
727                c: [u8; 3],
728            }
729        ));
730    }
732    #[test]
733    #[should_panic(
734        expected = "The #[zeroize(skip)] attribute is not allowed on a `struct` or `enum`. Use it on a field or variant instead."
735    )]
736    fn zeroize_skip_on_enum() {
737        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
738            #[zeroize(skip)]
739            enum Z {
740                Variant1,
741                Variant2,
742            }
743        ));
744    }
746    #[test]
747    #[should_panic(expected = "duplicate #[zeroize] skip flags")]
748    fn zeroize_duplicate_skip() {
749        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
750            struct Z {
751                a: String,
752                #[zeroize(skip)]
753                #[zeroize(skip)]
754                b: Vec<u8>,
755                c: [u8; 3],
756            }
757        ));
758    }
760    #[test]
761    #[should_panic(expected = "duplicate #[zeroize] skip flags")]
762    fn zeroize_duplicate_skip_list() {
763        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
764            struct Z {
765                a: String,
766                #[zeroize(skip, skip)]
767                b: Vec<u8>,
768                c: [u8; 3],
769            }
770        ));
771    }
773    #[test]
774    #[should_panic(expected = "duplicate #[zeroize] skip flags")]
775    fn zeroize_duplicate_skip_enum() {
776        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
777            enum Z {
778                #[zeroize(skip)]
779                Variant {
780                    a: String,
781                    #[zeroize(skip)]
782                    b: Vec<u8>,
783                    c: [u8; 3],
784                },
785            }
786        ));
787    }
789    #[test]
790    #[should_panic(expected = "duplicate #[zeroize] bound flags")]
791    fn zeroize_duplicate_bound() {
792        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
793            #[zeroize(bound = "T: MyTrait")]
794            #[zeroize(bound = "")]
795            struct Z<T>(T);
796        ));
797    }
799    #[test]
800    #[should_panic(expected = "duplicate #[zeroize] bound flags")]
801    fn zeroize_duplicate_bound_list() {
802        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
803            #[zeroize(bound = "T: MyTrait", bound = "")]
804            struct Z<T>(T);
805        ));
806    }
808    #[test]
809    #[should_panic(
810        expected = "The #[zeroize(bound)] attribute is not allowed on struct fields. Use it on the containing struct instead."
811    )]
812    fn zeroize_bound_struct() {
813        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
814            struct Z<T> {
815                #[zeroize(bound = "T: MyTrait")]
816                a: T,
817            }
818        ));
819    }
821    #[test]
822    #[should_panic(
823        expected = "The #[zeroize(bound)] attribute is not allowed on enum variants. Use it on the containing enum instead."
824    )]
825    fn zeroize_bound_enum() {
826        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
827            enum Z<T> {
828                #[zeroize(bound = "T: MyTrait")]
829                A(T),
830            }
831        ));
832    }
834    #[test]
835    #[should_panic(
836        expected = "The #[zeroize(bound)] attribute is not allowed on enum fields. Use it on the containing enum instead."
837    )]
838    fn zeroize_bound_enum_variant_field() {
839        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
840            enum Z<T> {
841                A {
842                    #[zeroize(bound = "T: MyTrait")]
843                    a: T,
844                },
845            }
846        ));
847    }
849    #[test]
850    #[should_panic(
851        expected = "The #[zeroize(bound)] attribute expects a name-value syntax with a string literal value.E.g. #[zeroize(bound = \"T: MyTrait\")]."
852    )]
853    fn zeroize_bound_no_value() {
854        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
855            #[zeroize(bound)]
856            struct Z<T>(T);
857        ));
858    }
860    #[test]
861    #[should_panic(expected = "error parsing bounds: LitStr { token: \"T\" } (expected `:`)")]
862    fn zeroize_bound_no_where_predicate() {
863        parse_zeroize_test(stringify!(
864            #[zeroize(bound = "T")]
865            struct Z<T>(T);
866        ));
867    }