macro_rules! eval {
() => { ... };
($iter:expr $(, $($rem:tt)*)?) => { ... };
Expand description
Emulates iterator method chains, by expanding to equivalent code.
For examples that use multiple methods look here
§Consuming methods
Consuming methods are those that consume the iterator, returning a non-iterator.
The consuming methods listed alphabetically:
§Adaptor Methods
Adaptor methods are those that transform the iterator into a different iterator.
They are shared with other konst::iter
macros and are documented
in the iterator_dsl
The iterator adaptor methods, listed alphabetically
(these links go to the iterator_dsl
Const equivalent of Iterator::all
use konst::iter;
const fn all_digits(s: &str) -> bool {
iter::eval!(s.as_bytes(),all(|c| matches!(c, b'0'..=b'9')))
Const equivalent of Iterator::any
use konst::iter;
const fn contains_pow2(s: &[u64]) -> bool {
iter::eval!(s,any(|c| c.is_power_of_two()))
assert!(contains_pow2(&[2, 3, 5]));
assert!(!contains_pow2(&[13, 21, 34]));
Const equivalent of Iterator::count
This example requires the "rust_1_64"
crate feature,
because it calls string::split
use konst::{iter, string};
const fn count_csv(s: &str) -> usize {
iter::eval!(string::split(s, ","),count())
assert_eq!(count_csv("foo"), 1);
assert_eq!(count_csv("foo,bar"), 2);
assert_eq!(count_csv("foo,bar,baz"), 3);
Alternative way to write konst::iter::for_each
use konst::iter;
const fn sum_elems(s: &[u64]) -> u64 {
let mut sum = 0u64;
iter::eval!{s,copied(),for_each(|x| sum+=x)}
assert_eq!(sum_elems(&[]), 0);
assert_eq!(sum_elems(&[2]), 2);
assert_eq!(sum_elems(&[3, 5]), 8);
Gets the first element in the iterator, only needed when intermediate Iterator methods are used.
use konst::iter;
const fn first_elem(s: &[u64]) -> Option<u64> {
assert_eq!(first_elem(&[]), None);
assert_eq!(first_elem(&[2]), Some(2));
assert_eq!(first_elem(&[3, 5]), Some(3));
Const equivalent of Iterator::nth
This example requires the "rust_1_64"
crate feature,
because it calls string::split
use konst::{iter, string};
const fn nth_csv(s: &str, nth: usize) -> Option<&str> {
iter::eval!(string::split(s, ","),nth(nth))
assert_eq!(nth_csv("foo,bar,baz", 0), Some("foo"));
assert_eq!(nth_csv("foo,bar,baz", 1), Some("bar"));
assert_eq!(nth_csv("foo,bar,baz", 2), Some("baz"));
assert_eq!(nth_csv("foo,bar,baz", 3), None);
Const equivalent of Iterator::position
use konst::iter;
const fn find_num(slice: &[u64], n: u64) -> Option<usize> {
iter::eval!(slice,position(|&elem| elem == n))
assert_eq!(find_num(&[3, 5, 8], 0), None);
assert_eq!(find_num(&[3, 5, 8], 3), Some(0));
assert_eq!(find_num(&[3, 5, 8], 5), Some(1));
assert_eq!(find_num(&[3, 5, 8], 8), Some(2));
Const equivalent of Iterator::rposition
Limitation: iterator-reversing methods can’t be called more than once in the same macro invocation.
use konst::iter;
const fn rfind_num(slice: &[u64], n: u64) -> Option<usize> {
iter::eval!(slice,rposition(|&elem| elem == n))
assert_eq!(rfind_num(&[3, 5, 8], 0), None);
assert_eq!(rfind_num(&[3, 5, 8], 3), Some(2));
assert_eq!(rfind_num(&[3, 5, 8], 5), Some(1));
assert_eq!(rfind_num(&[3, 5, 8], 8), Some(0));
Const equivalent of Iterator::find
use konst::iter;
const fn find_odd(slice: &[u64], n: u64) -> Option<&u64> {
iter::eval!(slice,find(|&&elem| elem % 2 == 1))
assert_eq!(find_odd(&[], 0), None);
assert_eq!(find_odd(&[2, 4], 0), None);
assert_eq!(find_odd(&[3, 5, 8], 3), Some(&3));
assert_eq!(find_odd(&[8, 12, 13], 3), Some(&13));
Const equivalent of Iterator::find_map
This example requires the "parsing_no_proc"
use konst::{iter, result};
use konst::primitive::parse_u64;
const fn find_parsable(slice: &[&str]) -> Option<u64> {
iter::eval!(slice,find_map(|&s| result::ok!(parse_u64(s))))
assert_eq!(find_parsable(&[]), None);
assert_eq!(find_parsable(&["foo"]), None);
assert_eq!(find_parsable(&["foo", "10"]), Some(10));
assert_eq!(find_parsable(&["10", "20"]), Some(10));
Const equivalent of DoubleEndedIterator::rfind
Limitation: iterator-reversing methods can’t be called more than once in the same macro invocation.
use konst::iter;
const fn sum_u64(slice: &[u64]) -> Option<&u64> {
iter::eval!(slice,rfind(|&elem| elem.is_power_of_two()))
assert_eq!(sum_u64(&[]), None);
assert_eq!(sum_u64(&[2]), Some(&2));
assert_eq!(sum_u64(&[2, 5, 8]), Some(&8));
Const equivalent of Iterator::fold
use konst::iter;
const fn sum_u64(slice: &[u64]) -> u64 {
iter::eval!(slice,fold(0, |accum, &rhs| accum + rhs))
assert_eq!(sum_u64(&[]), 0);
assert_eq!(sum_u64(&[3]), 3);
assert_eq!(sum_u64(&[3, 5]), 8);
assert_eq!(sum_u64(&[3, 5, 8]), 16);
Const equivalent of DoubleEndedIterator::rfold
Limitation: iterator-reversing methods can’t be called more than once in the same macro invocation.
use konst::iter;
const fn concat_u16s(slice: &[u16]) -> u128 {
iter::eval!(slice,rfold(0, |accum, &rhs| (accum << 16) + (rhs as u128)))
assert_eq!(concat_u16s(&[1, 2, 3]), 0x0003_0002_0001);
assert_eq!(concat_u16s(&[3, 5, 8]), 0x0008_0005_0003);
§Second number in CSV
This example demonstrates a function that gets the second number in a CSV string, using iterators.
This example requires both the "parsing_no_proc"
and "rust_1_64"
use konst::{
const fn second_number(s: &str) -> Option<u64> {
string::split(s, ","),
filter_map(|s| result::ok!(parse_u64(s))),
assert_eq!(second_number("foo,bar,baz"), None);
assert_eq!(second_number("foo,3,bar"), None);
assert_eq!(second_number("foo,3,bar,5"), Some(5));
assert_eq!(second_number("foo,8,bar,13,baz,21"), Some(13));