Module iterator_dsl

Expand description

Documentation on the iterator DSL that some konst::iter macros support.

The macros from this crate don’t directly invoke any of the method listed below, they expand to equivalent code, this allows the macros to work on stable.

The konst::iter::collect_const macro is used in examples here purely for simplicity.


Every iterator method below behaves the same as in Iterator, unless specified otherwise.

The methods listed alphabetically:


Limitation: the iterator DSL can’t passed as an argument to this method.

use konst::iter;

const ARR: [(&u8, usize); 4] =
    iter::collect_const!((&u8, usize) => &[3u8, 5, 8, 13],zip(100..));

assert_eq!(ARR, [(&3, 100), (&5, 101), (&8, 102), (&13, 103)]);


enumerate always counts from 0, regardless of whether the iterator is reversed.

use konst::iter;

const ARR: [(usize, &u8); 4] =
    iter::collect_const!((usize, &u8) => &[3u8, 5, 8, 13],enumerate());

assert_eq!(ARR, [(0, &3), (1, &5), (2, &8), (3, &13)]);


use konst::iter;

const ARR: [&u8; 4] = iter::collect_const!(&u8 =>
    &[3u8, 5, 8, 13, 21],
        filter(|e| !e.is_power_of_two()),

assert_eq!(ARR, [&3, &5, &13, &21]);


use konst::iter;

const ARR: [usize; 4] = iter::collect_const!(usize => (1..=4),map(|e| e * 3));

assert_eq!(ARR, [3, 6, 9, 12]);


use konst::iter;

use std::num::NonZeroU8;

const ARR: [NonZeroU8; 4] = iter::collect_const!(NonZeroU8 =>
    &[3, 0, 1, 5, 6],
        filter_map(|x| NonZeroU8::new(*x)),

assert_eq!(ARR, [3, 1, 5, 6].map(|n| NonZeroU8::new(n).unwrap()));


Limitation: the iterator DSL can’t passed as an argument to this method.

use konst::iter;

const ARR: [usize; 9] = iter::collect_const!(usize =>
    &[3, 5, 8],
        flat_map(|x| {
            let x10 = *x * 10;
            x10..x10 + 3

assert_eq!(ARR, [30, 31, 32, 50, 51, 52, 80, 81, 82]);


use konst::iter;

const ARR: [&u8; 4] =
    iter::collect_const!(&u8 => &[&[3, 5], &[8, 13]], flatten());

assert_eq!(ARR, [&3, &5, &8, &13]);


use konst::iter;

const ARR: [u8; 3] = iter::collect_const!(u8 =>
    &[2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
        filter(|n| *n % 2 == 0)

assert_eq!(ARR, [2, 4, 6]);


Limitation: iterator-reversing methods can’t be called more than once in the same macro invocation.

use konst::iter;

const ARR: [&u8; 3] = iter::collect_const!(&u8 => &[2, 3, 5],rev());

assert_eq!(ARR, [&5, &3, &2]);


use konst::iter;

const ARR: [usize; 3] = iter::collect_const!(usize => 10..,take(3));

assert_eq!(ARR, [10, 11, 12]);


use konst::iter;

const ARR: [&u8; 4] = iter::collect_const!(&u8 =>
    &[3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55],take_while(|elem| **elem < 20 )

assert_eq!(ARR, [&3, &5, &8, &13]);


use konst::iter;

const ARR: [usize; 3] = iter::collect_const!(usize => 10..=15,skip(3));

assert_eq!(ARR, [13, 14, 15]);


use konst::iter;

const ARR: [&u8; 3] = iter::collect_const!(&u8 =>
    &[3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55],skip_while(|elem| **elem < 20 )

assert_eq!(ARR, [&21, &34, &55]);