Function bytes_find_keep

pub const fn bytes_find_keep<'a>(
    this: &'a [u8],
    needle: &[u8],
) -> Option<&'a [u8]>
Expand description

Advances this up to the first instance of needle.

Return None if no instance of needle is found.

Return Some(this) if needle is empty.


This function exists because calling bytes_find + slice_from when the "rust_1_64" feature is disabled is slower than it could be, since the slice has to be traversed twice.


use konst::slice::bytes_find_keep;

    const FOUND: Option<&[u8]> = bytes_find_keep(b"foo bar baz", b"bar");
    assert_eq!(FOUND, Some(&b"bar baz"[..]));
    const NOT_FOUND: Option<&[u8]> = bytes_find_keep(b"foo bar baz", b"qux");
    assert_eq!(NOT_FOUND, None);
    const EMPTY_NEEDLE: Option<&[u8]> = bytes_find_keep(b"foo bar baz", b"");
    assert_eq!(EMPTY_NEEDLE, Some(&b"foo bar baz"[..]));