Function from_utf8

pub const fn from_utf8(slice: &[u8]) -> Result<&str, Utf8Error>
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A const equivalent of std::str::from_utf8, requires Rust 1.55 and the "rust_1_55" feature.

For an alternative that works in Rust 1.46.0, there is the from_utf8 macro, but it can only be used in consts, not in const fns .


use konst::{string, unwrap_ctx};

const OK: &str = unwrap_ctx!(string::from_utf8(b"hello world"));
assert_eq!(OK, "hello world");

const ERR: Result<&str, string::Utf8Error> = string::from_utf8(&[32, 34, 255]);
assert_eq!(ERR.unwrap_err().valid_up_to(), 2);