
Function syncer

pub async fn syncer<C, CN>(
    context_svc: C,
    our_chain: CN,
    clearnet_interface: NetworkInterface<ClearNet>,
    incoming_block_batch_tx: Sender<BlockBatch>,
    stop_current_block_downloader: Arc<Notify>,
    block_downloader_config: BlockDownloaderConfig,
) -> Result<(), SyncerError>
where C: Service<BlockChainContextRequest, Response = BlockChainContextResponse, Error = BoxError>, C::Future: Send + 'static, CN: Service<ChainSvcRequest, Response = ChainSvcResponse, Error = BoxError> + Clone + Send + 'static, CN::Future: Send + 'static,
Expand description

The syncer tasks that makes sure we are fully synchronised with our connected peers.