Macro epee_object

macro_rules! epee_object {
        $a:expr_2021, $b:expr_2021
    ) => { ... };
    ) => { ... };
        $field: tt, $alt_name: tt
    ) => { ... };
        $field: ident,
    ) => { ... };
        $ty:ty, $ty_as:ty
    ) => { ... };
    ) => { ... };
        $($field: ident $(($alt_name: literal))?: $ty:ty $(as $ty_as:ty )? $(= $default:expr_2021)?  $(=> $read_fn:expr_2021, $write_fn:expr_2021, $should_write_fn:expr_2021)?, )*
        $(!flatten: $flat_field: ident: $flat_ty:ty ,)*

    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro to derive EpeeObject for structs.

§Basic Usage:

// mod visibility is here because of Rust visibility weirdness, you shouldn't need this unless defined in a function.
// see: <>
mod visibility {

    use cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object;

    struct Example {
        a: u8

        a: u8,

§Advanced Usage:

// mod visibility is here because of Rust visibility weirdness, you shouldn't need this unless defined in a function.
// see: <>
mod visibility {

    use cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object;

    struct Example {
        a: u8,
        b: u8,
        c: u8,
        d: u8,
        e_f: Example2

    struct Example2 {
        e: u8

        e: u8,

        // `("ALT-NAME")` changes the name of the field in the encoded data.
        a("A"): u8,
        // `= VALUE` sets a default value that this field will be set to if not in the data
        // when encoding this field will be skipped if equal to the default.
        b: u8 = 0,
        // `as ALT-TYPE` encodes the data using the alt type, the alt type must impl Into<Type> and From<&Type>
        c: u8 as u8,
        // `=> read_fn, write_fn, should_write_fn,` allows you to specify alt field encoding functions.
        //  for the required args see the default functions, which are used here:
        d: u8 => cuprate_epee_encoding::read_epee_value, cuprate_epee_encoding::write_field, <u8 as cuprate_epee_encoding::EpeeValue>::should_write,
        // `!flatten` can be used on fields which are epee objects, and it flattens the fields of that object into this object.
        // So for this example `e_f` will not appear in the data but e will.
        // You can't use the other options with this.
        !flatten: e_f: Example2,