Module config

Expand description

Database configuration.

This module contains the main Configuration struct for the database Environment, and blockchain-specific configuration.

It also contains types related to configuration settings.

The main constructor is the ConfigBuilder.

These configurations are processed at runtime, meaning the Env can/will dynamically adjust its behavior based on these values.


use cuprate_blockchain::{
    cuprate_database::{Env, config::SyncMode},
    config::{ConfigBuilder, ReaderThreads},

let tmp_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
let db_dir = tmp_dir.path().to_owned();

let config = ConfigBuilder::new()
     // Use a custom database directory.
    // Use as many reader threads as possible (when using `service`).
    // Use the fastest sync mode.
    // Build into `Config`

// Start a database `service` using this configuration.
let (_, _, env) = cuprate_blockchain::service::init(config.clone())?;
// It's using the config we provided.
assert_eq!(env.config(), &config.db_config);


cuprate_blockchain configuration.
Builder for Config.


Amount of database reader threads to spawn.